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25 June 2015 - EU referendum: Cameron's demands

Publié par Clifford Armion le 25/06/2015

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EU referendum: Cameron to make history by laying out Britain's demands
Ian Traynor (The Guardian)
At around 8 o’clock on Thursday evening David Cameron will take the European Union into uncharted territory. Over dinner at a summit in Brussels, the meeting’s chair, Donald Tusk, will give the prime minister the floor and ask him to outline if, and on what terms, Britain wants to stay in the union, when the vote will take place, and what the procedures should be preceding this historic event dominating Cameron’s second term.
For the prime ministers, chancellors and presidents around the table, it will be a first. No head of government has ever come to a summit with such a message and such a claim. The United Kingdom is staging a plebiscite on whether to stay in. If you do not give me what I need, Cameron will implicitly or explicitly tell the leaders, the EU’s third biggest country may quit.
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David Cameron struck double blow in his hopes to win Britain a new EU deal
Andrew Grice (The Independent)
David Cameron’s hopes of winning a new deal for Britain in the European Union have suffered a double setback as he prepares to outline his proposals to fellow EU leaders at a summit today. EU diplomats predicted that France would prove a major stumbling block to the Prime Minister’s demands and would not join Germany in “going the extra mile” to keep Britain in the 28-member EU club.
Mr Cameron’s chances of winning the support of the European Commission also appeared to recede when Jean-Claude Juncker, its President, sidelined senior British officials in a reshuffle of the top jobs in Brussels.
It was seen as a sign that Mr Juncker has not forgiven Mr Cameron for his high-profile attempt to block his candidacy last year, which ended in a defeat for Britain.
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Royal opinion

Queen wades into Europe debate as she says division is 'dangerous'
Gordon Rayner (The Telegraph)
And more than 11,000 disgruntled students have signed a petition on Change.org asking either for Question M to be discounted, or for bonus points to be awarded to those who attempted to answer it.
The petition, targeted at France’s Education Minister Najat Belkacem and the Ministry of Education, states: “The majority of students…could not answer the question because it was too difficult. It is important to formulate questions with precision and clarity.”
But the petition has attracted fierce criticism on Twitter (though it’s worth pointing out that these seem to have come mostly from English-speaking users).
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Brexit – what would happen if Britain left the EU?
Katie Allen (The Guardian)
David Cameron’s electoral triumph has brought the prospect of a British withdrawal from the EU one step closer. The prime minister has vowed to reshape Britain’s ties with Europe before putting EU membership to a vote by 2017.
But what would “Brexit” - a British exit from the 28-nation EU - look like? Eurosceptics argue that withdrawal would reverse immigration, save the taxpayer billions and free Britain from an economic burden. Europhiles counter that it would lead to deep economic uncertainty and cost thousands, possibly even millions, of jobs. Read on...


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25 June 2015 - EU referendum: Cameron's demands, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2015. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/25-june-2015-eu-referendum-cameron-s-demands