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23 March 2015 - Richard III to be buried again

Publié par Clifford Armion le 23/03/2015

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Thousands line Leicester streets for glimpse of Richard III's coffin
Agencies (The Guardian)
Thousands of people have been queuing for a glimpse of Richard III’s coffin in Leicester after his remains were carried to their final resting place on Sunday.
Lines formed from the south door of Leicester Cathedral, where the king will be buried on Thursday, and stretched around the block, with people coming from as far as the US to witness the spectacle.
Bradley Dubbs, 62, from Atlanta, Georgia, was the first in line at 6.30am, but faced a chilly wait after leaving his coat on the train. He had brought a sprig of the broom plant to place inside the cathedral, with its Latin name, planta genista, referencing Richard’s Plantagenet lineage.
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Richard III burial: five centuries on, the last medieval king finally gains honour in death
Tom Rowley (The Telegraph)
On Sunday, his remains left the battlefield to applause before travelling back through the streets of Leicester on a gun carriage. Thousands lined the route of the procession, which passed the council car park where the king’s bones were discovered by a team of Leicester University archaeologists three years ago.
They threw Yorkist white roses in front of the carriage, which was followed by 200 children in school uniform, holding aloft home-made banners honouring the king. One onlooker even let out a passionate cry of “God save King Richard!” before a crown, similar to the one that tumbled from his head on his last day, was placed atop his coffin.
The event began, fittingly enough, on the university campus. The academics who uncovered and identified his remains each placed a single white rose on his coffin, carved from English oak by Michael Ibsen, a descendant of Richard’s sister whose DNA was used to identify the body.
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530 years after death, Richard III gets proper burial
Kim Hjelmgaard (USA Today)
Richard III was effectively lost to history until a few years ago, when researchers discovered he was actually buried under a parking lot in central Leicester, a city of about 800,000 people north of London.
The king was dramatized by William Shakespeare in his play Richard III as a child killer with a hunched back, but that portrayal is now challenged by many historians who argue he was a good king whose reputation was unfairly tarnished.
For years archaeologists suspected that Richard IIi had been hastily buried in a nearby church, but Henry VIII had ordered the demolition of the Greyfriars Friary in 1538 and over the centuries the land had been redeveloped and built over many times.
It wasn't until Philippa Langley, an amateur historian with a lifelong interest in Richard III, raised the funds to conduct an excavation of the site that his true location was unveiled.
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A long journey

Last journey of a King: Thousands line streets of Leicester for Richard III's final burial
Nick Gutteridge (The Express)
In contrast to his violent end, Richard's coffin will lie in repose following today's service, where it can be viewed by the general public from tomorrow.
Then, on Thursday, his remains will be lowered into a purpose-built tomb made of Yorkshire Swaledale stone, before visitors are allowed back inside the cathedral to see the completed memorial the following day.
His final rest has been delayed by months after distant relatives brought a legal challenge through the courts arguing he should be reburied in York.
However, judges ruled in favour of Leicester, paving the way for a week of events marking the king's life and death, starting with the cortege today.
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23 March 2015 - Richard III to be buried again, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mars 2015. Consulté le 12/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/23-march-2015-richard-iii-to-be-buried-again