22 September 2015 - David Cameron's "piggate"
Lord Ashcroft Makes Claims Of Drugs, Debauchery And 'Bizarre Rituals' In David Cameron Biography
Kathryn Snowdon (The Huffington Post)
David Cameron faces political embarrassment today after allegations of drug use, debauchery and "bizarre rituals" during his time at university were published in a new book from former friend and ally, Lord Michael Ashcroft.
Billionaire peer, Lord Ashcroft, wrote the damning book after he failed to receive a position in Cameron's government in 2010. Lord Ashcroft said this led to him having personal "beef" with the Prime Minister after he was shunned.
Extracts from Call Me Dave, published in the Daily Mail reveal shocking allegations including suggestions that Cameron, 48, knew of Lord Ashcroft's "non dom" status back in 2009.
Politicians and private schools
Editorial (The Independent)
It would be hard to imagine a more distasteful story about a prime minister and a farmyard animal than the one circulating about David Cameron and a dead pig. Thanks, it seems, to the apparent indiscretion of some of his former fellow students and current fellow Tory politicians, we now know more than we might like about alleged initiation ceremonies during his time at Oxford. Even if there is no basis to these rumours, it’s not the sort of thing that makes for a jolly anecdote when entertaining, say, the President of Botswana.
Whatever the facts of this bizarre allegation, we already knew that Mr Cameron, George Osborne and Boris Johnson were rich, spoiled, braying brats while undergraduates. We have long known that their life experiences are far removed from the British people, and that they have little instinctive understanding of the plight of the poor.
Charlie Brooker's Black Mirror
Leo Benedictus (The Guardian)
“The first question people were asking me was, Did I know anything about it? And the answer is no, absolutely not. I probably wouldn’t have bothered writing an episode of a fictional comedy-drama if I’d known. I’d have been running around screaming it into traffic. It’s a complete coincidence, albeit a quite bizarre one.”
To fill you in: four years ago, Charlie Brooker’s dystopian TV series Black Mirror began with an episode called the National Anthem, in which the prime minister of Britain – to hoots of derision on social media – is required to have sex with a pig on television in order to ransom a kidnapped princess. On Monday, the Daily Mail printed extracts from Lord Ashcroft’s biography of David Cameron, in which Ashcroft claims to have been told by a current MP that Britain’s real prime minister allegedly “inserted a private part of his anatomy” into the mouth of a dead pig during an initiation ceremony while he was studying at Oxford. The MP knows someone with photographic evidence, according to Ashcroft, but he does not supply any.
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Nicholas Reilly (Metro)
It’s been alleged that Prime Minister David Cameron once ‘put a private part of his anatomy in a dead pig’s mouth’ as part of a depraved initiation ceremony while at Oxford University.
That’s the sensational claim being made in a new book by former Conservative peer Lord Ashcroft, which detailed how Cameron had allegedly performed the act to gain membership to a society that ‘specialises in bizarre rituals and sexual excess.’
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22 September 2015 - David Cameron's "piggate", La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2015. Consulté le 05/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/22-september-2015-david-cameron-s-piggate-