21 May 2015 - David Cameron on EU referendum
David Cameron warned he could lose ministers over EU referendum campaign
Nicholas Watt (The Guardian)
David Cameron is being warned that a number of ministers will resign unless he allows cabinet members to follow their conscience and campaign for a no vote in the EU referendum.
As the prime minister prepares to brief fellow EU leaders on his renegotiation plans on the margins of a summit in Riga on Friday, government sources said Cameron would need to devise a mechanism to deal with highly Eurosceptic ministers if he wants to avoid a damaging split.
There are increasing suspicions among Eurosceptics that the prime minister is determined to keep Britain in the EU – and some cabinet figures are suggesting that he could allow ministers to resign from the government for the duration of the referendum.
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Andrew Grice (The Independent)
Supporters of Britain staying in the European Union will steal a march on the rival “out” camp next month by starting their campaign for the in/out referendum promised by David Cameron by 2017.
Three pro-European organisations will join forces to create an umbrella “Yes to Europe” group. British Influence, Business for New Europe and the European Movement hope their link-up, to be followed by a formal campaign launch in September, will give them a head start in the battle for public opinion. Business for Britain, which is seen as the embryo “out” campaign, will not take a final decision on its position until it has seen the new EU deal negotiated by Mr Cameron.
Peter Wilding, the director of British Influence, told The Independent: “A new organisation will be launched with the support and input of various pro-European organisations. Between us we have developed a diverse network of supporters ranging from businesses to environmental charities as well as thousands of pro-Europeans.”
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Michael Wilkinson (The Telegraph)
A referendum on Britain's membership of the European Union could be held as early as 2016 if treaty negotiations are successful.
David Cameron won the general election on a pledge to hold the in-out vote by the end of 2017 but since May 7 he has hit the ground running with plans to negotiate a better deal for Britain.
The Prime Minister has previously disclosed that if negotiations for a better deal proved successful, then it could be possible to call the poll ahead of schedule.
Nigel Farage, leader of Ukip, claimed that it could be held as early as May 2016 to coincide with the Scottish, London, Welsh and Northern Irish elections.
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Staff (BBC News)
The European aerospace and defence giant Airbus would reconsider investment in the UK in the event of Britain leaving the European Union.
Paul Kahn, president of the 16,000-employee Airbus UK, said Britain must compete for international investment.
"The best way to guarantee this is by remaining part of the EU," he said.
Earlier, Chancellor George Osborne said in a speech to the CBI employers' group that he wants the UK "to be in Europe, but not run by Europe".
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21 May 2015 - David Cameron on EU referendum, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2015. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/21-may-2015-david-cameron-on-eu-referendum