20 October 2015 - Justin Trudeau leads Liberals to majority government in Canada
Trudeau and Liberals win majority in historic return to power
Andrew Duffy (Ottawa Citizen)
Trudeau will become Canada’s 23rd prime minister, the second-youngest in history and the first who can say that his father held the same high office.
In securing a majority government, Trudeau capped a storybook campaign that swept his party from third to first in public opinion polls during 11 eventful weeks.
His resounding victory echoes his father’s 1968 triumph — Trudeaumania — and re-establishes the Liberals as a force on the national stage after a decade of steadily diminishing electoral returns.
Monday’s stunning election results bring a familiar structure to federal politics in this country. The Liberal party holds the most seats in the House of Commons. They were leading or elected in 184 seats early Tuesday, followed by the Conservatives with 101 and the NDP with 42. The Bloc Québécois was leading or elected in 10 ridings, and the Green Party was holding onto one seat.
The Liberals held just 36 seats at the end of the last Parliament.
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Liberal victory
Graeme Hamiltoni (National Post)
For as long as he has been in politics, people have been hailing Justin Trudeau as a future prime minister, and for almost as long the praise has sounded excessive.
As recently as August, when the campaign began, the rookie Liberal leader was seen as a bit player in a battle shaping up between NDP leader Tom Mulcair and Stephen Harper’s Conservatives.
Trudeau called his win a victory of hope over fear, a reference to the Conservative attempt to make the wearing of face-covering niqabs an election issue. He told of meeting a Muslim woman during the campaign who told him she was voting Liberal “to be sure her daughter has the right to make her own choices in life.”
While he thanked Harper for his service to the country, he took exception to the relentless attack ads the Conservatives directed at him. “Politics doesn’t have to be negative and personal to be successful,” he said. He did not invoke his father in the speech, choosing to cite another Liberal prime minister, Wilfrid Laurier, and the “sunny ways” he promised in the late 19th century.
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New cabinet
Justin Trudeau's Cabinet Expected to Feature Star Liberals
Kristy Kirkup (The Huffington Post)
A former Canadian Forces lieutenant-general who is riding the wave of Liberal red all the way to the House of Commons is among those who could be in line for a plum position on Justin Trudeau's front bench.
Andrew Leslie, who spent 35 years in the military, has won Orleans back from the Conservatives, who wrested it from the Grits in 2006.
The former military leader is considered one of the party's stars, along with retired Toronto police chief Bill Blair, who were sought out to help offset the perception of Trudeau as inexperienced.
Leslie hasn't said if he's been promised a cabinet position but he won't rule it out.
Leslie, who began partnering with the Liberals to give Trudeau military advice, secured the Orleans nomination in December 2014 - but not without controversy.
Former Liberal leadership hopeful and 2011 Orleans candidate David Bertschi suggested his candidacy had been blocked by party brass to clear the way for Leslie. Officials said Bertschi, a lawyer by trade, was sidelined by $150,000 of debt from his leadership campaign.
Stephen Harper
Terry Milewski (CBC News)
He made his exit with grace towards both winners and losers. "The people are never wrong," he said.
Simultaneously, a party statement said the search is on for a new interim leader. And with that, Harper was gone, leaving no further doubt about the question the NDP posed to voters in their ads: "Had enough yet?"
After nine years and eight months in office, Stephen Harper finally turned off too many voters. Soon, he'll be hurling his political obituaries across the room.
Time, of course, may cool the steaming dislike of Harper's abrasive brand of politics. Perhaps his creditable record in domestic and foreign affairs will be remembered more fondly when the alternative becomes clear.
For now, though, the sheer nastiness of the Harper style looms large in his defeat.
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20 October 2015 - Justin Trudeau leads Liberals to majority government in Canada, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), octobre 2015. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/20-october-2015-justin-trudeau-leads-liberals-to-majority-government-in-canada