16 March 2015 - Cameron and EU treaties
Donald Tusk: Cameron's call to reopen EU treaties is 'mission impossible'
Ian Traynor (The Guardian)
David Cameron’s quest to secure a new deal for Britain in Europe by reopening the EU treaties is virtually “mission impossible”, according to the key EU politician who will run the negotiations. But Donald Tusk, the president of the European council chairing the summits that will decide the answer to the British question, told the Guardian he will offer limited help to the prime minister in renegotiating the terms of the UK’s EU membership.
A little more than three months before Cameron, should he remain prime minister, is expected to deliver his wish list to Brussels on what Britain needs if he is to win a referendum keeping the UK in the EU, Tusk said he would be hard-pressed to engineer a consensus among the other 27 EU countries that would satisfy the prime minister.
“I am ready to help Cameron,” Tusk said in an interview with the Guardian and five other European newspapers. “I have no doubt that we have to help in a limited and rational framework. We have to help David Cameron because he is obviously pro-European. I am sceptical when it comes to changing the treaty.”
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Staff (Yahoo News)
"My intuition is that treaty change is close to mission impossible today because it's not only about rationality, about good argument," Tusk said in an interview with The Guardian newspaper published online.
"We need unanimity between 28 member states, in the European parliament, in 28 national parliaments in the process of ratification. To say that it is a Pandora's Box is too little."
However, the former Polish leader said: "I am ready to help Cameron... I have no doubt that we have to help in a limited and rational framework.
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Peter Henn (The Express)
Mr Farage said he would get his MPs to vote with the Tories, who are predicted to take the most seats at May's general election without having enough to gain an overall majority, if there was an in/out poll - without any 'wriggle room'.
In his upcoming book, The Purple Revolution, which is being serialised by the Daily and Sunday Telegraph, he said: "The terms of my deal with the Tories would be very precise and simple.
"I want a full and fair referendum to be held in 2015 to allow Britain to vote on being in or out of the EU."
Mr Farage, whose party is expected to win up to six seats at the election, has said he did not want to enter a formal coalition with the Conservatives because his party's supporters would consider it to be 'selling out'.
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Days ago
PA (The Guardian)
David Cameron has defended his plans for a referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union, saying it is essential to stop the country “sleepwalking towards the exit”.
In an interview with the Financial Times, the prime minister sought to reassure business leaders concerned that his plan to re-negotiate the UK’s terms of membership and then put it to a popular vote has put the country on the path to leaving.
“I think this is the moment Britain stops sleepwalking towards the exit – that’s what’s happening now,” Cameron said. “The British public can see what’s happening, that Europe is changing in front of their eyes and they haven’t been asked about it.”
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16 March 2015 - Cameron and EU treaties, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mars 2015. Consulté le 11/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/16-march-2015-cameron-and-eu-treaties