15 May 2015 - SNP asks for new independence referendum
SNP prepared to defy Cameron on a second independence referendum
Rowena Mason (The Guardian)
The Scottish National party would be prepared to push ahead with a second independence referendum without David Cameron’s permission if the prime minister refuses any future demand to hold one, a senior party source in Westminster has indicated.
The party would be prepared to try to bypass the prime minister and hold an indicative ballot of the Scottish people if it believes it has a political mandate for a referendum but Westminster refuses to allow one.
When talking about whether Cameron would be able to refuse another demand for an independence vote, the senior SNP source claimed that the prime minister would not be able to, adding that “precedent is all”.
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Andrew Grice (The Independent)
David Cameron and Nicola Sturgeon are set to clash over how much extra power should be devolved to Scotland following the SNP’s stunning success in the election.
When they hold talks in Edinburgh, both leaders will claim a mandate from voters for their approach, but the gulf between them will be laid bare. The Prime Minister will stick to proposals backed by all parties last November for the Scottish Parliament to be given control of income‑tax rates and bands, receive a proportion of VAT revenue and £2.5bn of welfare spending, and handed extra borrowing powers.
But Ms Sturgeon, whose party won 56 of Scotland’s 59 seats at Westminster, will demand that Mr Cameron go further than the Smith Commission’s blueprint and will challenge him over the Tories’ austerity measures.
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Asa Bennett (The Telegraph)
Scotland is changing. Despite 55 per cent of Scottish voters rejecting independence in a referendum last year, 45 per cent supported it. That 45 per cent became the electoral base of the Scottish National Party.
The SNP last week took 56 of Scotland's 59 seats in last week's election, an unprecedented triumph.
The nationalists insist that their Westminster victory is not a mandate for another referendum on independence. But separation still forms the first principle of their constitution. If they win the Scottish Parliament election next year, they may well argue they have a mandate for another vote.
Meanwhile, England voters, egged on by Ukip, are pressing for more power and public money, addressing what many see as an imbalance that unfairly favours Scotland. Keeping the kingdom united is at the top of the new Government's in-tray.
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A few days ago...
Michael Settle (Herald Scotland)
In language that will anger the Nationalist leadership, the Prime Minister, attending the VE Day 70th anniversary celebrations, said: "We had a referendum. Respect and trust should be at the heart of our system and that's what we did. Scotland voted emphatically to stay in the United Kingdom, which was an affirmation of what a great country this is."
He then declared: "There isn't going to be another referendum. We had the referendum and the SNP aren't pushing for another referendum, actually. Nicola Sturgeon said that vote in the General Election was not about another referendum.
"Now what we need to do is bring the United Kingdom together. We are going to do that by delivering the devolution settlement in Wales, delivering the devolution settlement in Scotland, keeping all the pledges that were made."
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15 May 2015 - SNP asks for new independence referendum, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2015. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/15-may-2015-snp-asks-for-new-independence-referendum