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13 January 2015 - Charlie Hebdo international release

Publié par Clifford Armion le 13/01/2015

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New 'Charlie Hebdo' cover released
William M. Welch and Kim Hjelmgaard (USA Today)
The latest issue of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, published by survivors of last week's deadly terror attack, features a cover cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed holding a sign that says "Je suis Charlie,'' an echo of the slogan of support for freedom of speech that spread across the globe after the tragedy.
The news agency Agence France-Presse on Monday distributed a copy of the new cover, which carries a caption that reads "Tout est pardonne,'' which translates into English as all is forgiven.
USA TODAY traditionally does not show images of Mohammed to avoid offending Muslim readers. But the magazine cover has enough news value to warrant its publication in this case.
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Charlie Hebdo publishes front page cartoon of Prophet Mohamed in first magazine edition since Paris massacre
John Lichfield (The Independent)
The magazine will try to use its sudden fame to repair its perennially disastrous finances. Instead of its normal print run of 40,000, the magazine will publish three million copies in 16 languages, including Arabic.
The magazine’s lawyer and spokesman, Richard Malka, said yesterday: “We are not giving an inch. The spirit of ‘Je suis Charlie’ also implies a right to blaspheme.”
He said tomorrow’s magazine would include new cartoons mocking radical Islam but also attacks on politicians who have belatedly claimed “Charlie” as their own.
Charlie Hebdo, founded in 1970, has always been fiercely anti-religious, anti-establishment, anti-capitalist and anti-good taste. Although usually described as “satirical”, its humour ranges from gentle mockery to scurrilous aggression.
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Charlie Hebdo: first cover since terror attack depicts prophet Muhammad
Staff (The Guardian)
The cover cartoon was drawn by the weekly’s cartoonist Luz, who survived the massacre because he was late arriving at the office.
The prophet has been a frequent target of Charlie Hebdo, whose editor, Stéphane Charbonnier, was undeterred by death threats for depicting his visual image in a manner certain to offend many Muslims.
Newspapers around Europe, including Libération, Le Monde and Frankfurter Allgemeine have used the image online. The BBC showed it briefly during a newspaper review on Newsnight. In the US, the Washington Post, USA Today, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, The Daily Beast and CBS News ran the cover but the New York Times did not. In Australia, the ABC showed the image of the cartoon on its 24-hour rolling news programme but with a warning to viewers. The Guardian is running this cover as its news value warrants publication.
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Charlie Hebdo reveals first cover since attack
Michael Cavna (The Washington Post)
LAST WEEK, upon celebrating his birthday, the longtime Charlie Hebdo cartoonist “Luz” was running late for an editorial meeting at the French satirical weekly’s Paris offices. By the time he got there, masked gunmen had killed 12 people, including five of his cartooning friends and colleagues. Because Luz was born on Jan. 7, he was a survivor.
It was “Luz,” who in 2011 responded to a firebombing of the publication’s offices by drawing a Charlie Hebdo artist kissing a Muslim man — in a direct attempt at returning fire through a cartoon instead of a cannon. On that cover were the words: “L’Amour plus fort que la haine (love is stronger than hate).”
For Wednesday’s issue, Renald Luzier, who goes by the pen name “Luz,” has again responded to an attack with a French phrase and a provocative image for his cover. Pictured is a caricature confirmed by French media to be the Islamic prophet Muhammad, shedding a tear and holding a sign that — invoking the global rallying cry — reads: “Je suis Charlie” (beneath the words “Tout est pardonne,” or all is forgiven).
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13 January 2015 - Charlie Hebdo international release, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2015. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/13-january-2015-charlie-hebdo-international-release