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1 September 2015 - Remembering Wes Craven

Publié par Marion Coste le 09/01/2015

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Wes Craven, a Filmmaker Who Invaded Your Dreams
Jason Zinoman (The New York Times)
When Wes Craven started making horror movies, he had hardly seen any. “I didn’t even know what a horror film was,” he told me several years ago. “I kind of made it up as I went along.”
More than four decades later, Mr. Craven, who died of brain cancer on Sunday at the age of 76, has a name synonymous with horror. He dreamed up some of its most famous images, including the rusty knives of Freddy Krueger from “A Nightmare on Elm Street” and the killer’s mask from “Scream,” the backbones of blockbuster franchises that remain bustling today. But in a genre that often prefers to recycle, his vital legacy involved pushing horror in new directions for three straight decades.
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Influenced by Ingmar Bergman
Wes Craven: the mainstream horror maestro inspired by Ingmar Bergman
Peter Bradshaw (The Guardian)
Wes Craven’s career is a startling link between the European arthouse and Hollywood exploitation horror. This was no movie brat, growing up obsessively watching movies on VHS, getting steeped in trash-celluloid lore, knowing scenes by heart and shooting his own homemade version on Super 8 at the age of nine in the way we might expect of a hugely successful genre director.
In any case, his upbringing was before the era of video (he was born in 1939) and his strictly religious parents hardly let him go to the cinema at all. In fact, after an initial plan to go into teaching, Craven’s move to New York from his hometown of Cleveland as a young man introduced him to arthouse theatres where he was electrified by the work of directors like Ingmar Bergman: it was this that inspired him to go into film-making and he had the idea of remaking Bergman’s 1960 film Virgin Spring as The Last House on the Left in 1972 — three years before Woody Allen’s Love and Death pastiched Bergman, among other high European masters, in an obviously cod-reverential way.
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Bob Weinstein

Wes Craven Remembered by Bob Weinstein: "It Was a Joy to Listen to Him Talk About Fear"
Bob Weinstein (The Hollywood Reporter)
I had never met Wes. I knew him from movies only, but I was a big fan of The Last House Left and A Nightmare on Elm Street scared the hell out of me. So when Scream came along, he was most definitely my first choice to direct. But it’s a funny thing: As careers go Wes had just come off a picture called Vampire in Brooklyn, starring Eddie Murphy. It was a horror comedy and at the time Wes wanted to stay away from anything that had anything to do with any inkling of anything that was funny within the genre of horror. It wasn’t so much his assessment of the script as an assessment of where he was coming from career-wise that made him reticent to even look at something that gave him a flashback nightmare of his latest film experience.
Over time, though, Wes and I got to know each other and kept the dialog open, and over the next several weeks and months, we got to know each other on a professional level and somewhat personally until he decided Scream was something he could put his heart and soul into.
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Wes Craven's 5 most terrifying scenes
Clark Collis (Entertainment Weekly)
The filmography of Wes Craven is filled with dread and terror. As we look back on the life of the late Master of Horror, who died on Sunday at age 76, here are five shocking moments that left us wondering, “Did that just happen?”
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1 September 2015 - Remembering Wes Craven, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2015. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/1-september-2015-remembering-wes-craven