09 October 2015 - House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy drops out of race for House speaker
Marion Coste
le 10/09/2015
Kevin McCarthy Is Out For House Speaker. Who Else Wants It?
Jennifer Bendery (The Huffington Post)
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) stunned everyone Thursday by dropping out of the race for speaker. Now, the question is: Who's next in line to run the House and assume the third-most powerful position in the country?
Nobody knows.
Republican leaders really, really want Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) to run. Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) reached out to Ryan twice on Thursday, per Washington Post reporter Robert Costa, and told him he's the only person who can unite the GOP right now. McCarthy, too, said he wants him to run for the spot. Ryan also canceled his fundraisers for the next 48 hours.
But Ryan, who chairs the Ways and Means Committee and was Mitt Romney's vice presidential pick in 2012, already said he's not interested in being speaker. His spokesman told The Huffington Post that he's still a no. But given the disarray, things could change. Read on...
If not McCarthy, who? Republicans scramble for speaker pick after drop-out
Cody Derespina (Fox News)
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's stunning decision Thursday to withdraw from the race for speaker leaves Republicans scrambling to find that elusive candidate who can unite the divided conference and actually win a majority on the floor.
The California Republican's abrupt withdrawal is a testament to how undesirable John Boehner's job really is. As GOP leader, McCarthy immediately was deemed the front-runner and was thought to have more than enough support to win the party nomination in a vote originally set for Thursday afternoon.
Now, it's unclear whether more candidates will enter the race or whether the field will stand as is, with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Fla., vying for the job.
Cody Derespina (Fox News)
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's stunning decision Thursday to withdraw from the race for speaker leaves Republicans scrambling to find that elusive candidate who can unite the divided conference and actually win a majority on the floor.
The California Republican's abrupt withdrawal is a testament to how undesirable John Boehner's job really is. As GOP leader, McCarthy immediately was deemed the front-runner and was thought to have more than enough support to win the party nomination in a vote originally set for Thursday afternoon.
Now, it's unclear whether more candidates will enter the race or whether the field will stand as is, with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, and Rep. Daniel Webster, R-Fla., vying for the job.
Republican chaos
The GOP sinks deeper into chaos. Can it still function as a party?
Karen Tumulty (The Washington Post)
Less than a year after a sweeping electoral triumph, Republicans are on the verge of ceasing to function as a national political party.
The most powerful and crippling force at work in the once-hierarchical GOP is anger, directed as much at its own leaders as anywhere else.
First, a contingent of several dozen conservative House members effectively forced Speaker John A. Boehner (Ohio) to resign rather than face a possibly losing battle to hold on to his job. Now they have claimed House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), who had been considered the favorite to replace Boehner until he announced Thursday that he is dropping out of the race.
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Karen Tumulty (The Washington Post)
Less than a year after a sweeping electoral triumph, Republicans are on the verge of ceasing to function as a national political party.
The most powerful and crippling force at work in the once-hierarchical GOP is anger, directed as much at its own leaders as anywhere else.
First, a contingent of several dozen conservative House members effectively forced Speaker John A. Boehner (Ohio) to resign rather than face a possibly losing battle to hold on to his job. Now they have claimed House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), who had been considered the favorite to replace Boehner until he announced Thursday that he is dropping out of the race.
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House, and a Republican Party, Divided Against Itself
Carl Hulse (The New York Times)
Republicans expanded their numbers in the House and won the Senate in 2014 by asking voters to give them control of Congress and let them prove they could govern the country. Right now, they appear unable to govern themselves.
Representative Kevin McCarthy’s abrupt withdrawal Thursday from a speaker’s race he had been favored to win threw the House into tumult and left open the question of who would lead the chamber as Congress faces a series of deadlines to fund the government and keep the nation’s credit intact. It also threatened the party’s credibility with a presidential election just a year away.
The chaos was the latest illustration that hard-right, Tea Party-influenced conservatives who have broken from the Republican establishment have made good on their promise to upend the traditional order in Washington. Other Republicans, blindsided, were assessing their options Thursday, even as Speaker John A. Boehner sought to calm nerves by saying that he would stay on the job until a replacement was found.
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Carl Hulse (The New York Times)
Republicans expanded their numbers in the House and won the Senate in 2014 by asking voters to give them control of Congress and let them prove they could govern the country. Right now, they appear unable to govern themselves.
Representative Kevin McCarthy’s abrupt withdrawal Thursday from a speaker’s race he had been favored to win threw the House into tumult and left open the question of who would lead the chamber as Congress faces a series of deadlines to fund the government and keep the nation’s credit intact. It also threatened the party’s credibility with a presidential election just a year away.
The chaos was the latest illustration that hard-right, Tea Party-influenced conservatives who have broken from the Republican establishment have made good on their promise to upend the traditional order in Washington. Other Republicans, blindsided, were assessing their options Thursday, even as Speaker John A. Boehner sought to calm nerves by saying that he would stay on the job until a replacement was found.
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09 October 2015 - House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy drops out of race for House speaker, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2015. Consulté le 05/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/09-october-2015-house-majority-leader-kevin-mccarthy-drops-out-of-race-for-house-speaker