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9 September 2014 - Scotland: No camp needs royal push

Publié par Clifford Armion le 09/09/2014

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Scottish independence: The Queen is urged to intervene
Gordon Rayner (The Telegraph)
David Cameron is under growing pressure to ask the Queen to speak out in support of the Union as another opinion poll confirms a surge in support for Scottish independence.
Senior MPs have suggested an intervention from Her Majesty could “make all the difference” as a TNS poll shows the Yes and No campaigns running neck and neck.
The pound crashed to a 10-month low on Monday and £2.3 billion was wiped off the value of the six FTSE-100 companies based in Scotland on the first day of trading since a weekend poll put the Yes campaign ahead for the first time.
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More devolution

Scottish independence: No camp sends for Brown as polls tighten
Patrick Wintour (The Guardian)
Gordon Brown will spearhead Labour's last-ditch campaign to save the union as a new poll confirmed that the yes and no camps are neck and neck before next week's referendum on Scottish independence.
The latest poll, by TNS, added to the mood of urgency and anxiety for Labour and the coalition government, disclosing that support for independence has jumped six points in a month, pushing the yes vote to 38%, a single point behind no at 39%.
With no campaigners saying they were baffled by the sudden surge in support for yes, Brown came out of semi-retirement from frontline politics to lead Scottish Labour's drive to regain control of the independence debate with further proposals to devolve powers to the nation and inject some previously absent passion.
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Scottish independence: What happens if Scotland votes yes at the referendum?
Andrew Grice (The Independent)
In the two-year Scottish referendum campaign, Whitehall and Westminster have been in denial about the prospect of Scotland voting Yes to independence. Suddenly, as the opinion polls show it as a very real prospect, the London-based political establishment is anxiously thinking about the implications.
“The consequences, not just for England, but Wales and Northern Ireland, are frankly unimaginable,” one senior Whitehall official said today. This is not an obscure debate about more devolution: some MPs fear the peace process in Northern Ireland, or at least order on the streets, could be at risk, and that there could be new demands for a united Ireland. There would inevitably be calls for a stronger Welsh Assembly, more devolution to the English regions and even an English Parliament.
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US point of view

Britain Pledges More Self-Rule for Scots if They Reject Scottish Independence
Steven Erlanger (The New York Times)
LONDON — Shaken by polls showing momentum shifting toward independence for Scotland, the British government will offer proposals for greater political and fiscal autonomy for the Scots if they vote to remain within the United Kingdom in a referendum on Sept. 18, George Osborne, the chancellor of the Exchequer, said on Sunday.
The narrowing polls have caused considerable anxiety among politicians and business leaders, driving down the value of the pound and raising questions among investors about the stability of the economy and the fate of the current British government.
The vote, which could bring an end to the 307-year union between Scotland and England, is also regarded as important to the future of the British prime minister, David Cameron. As leader of what is still formally known as the Conservative and Unionist Party, Mr. Cameron, already facing internal divisions over Britain’s membership in the European Union, may not survive politically if Scotland votes to break away from the United Kingdom in a referendum that he negotiated with the Scottish National Party and its leader, Alex Salmond.
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9 September 2014 - Scotland: No camp needs royal push, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2014. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/9-september-2014-scotland-no-camp-needs-royal-push