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9 December 2014 - Brown and Garner cases follow up

Publié par Clifford Armion le 12/09/2014

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Poll: Americans have sharply differing views of Brown, Garner cases
David Lauter (The Chicago Tribune)
Decisions by grand juries to not indict police officers involved in the deaths of black men in Ferguson, Mo., and New York City have drawn very different reactions from Americans, particularly whites, according to a poll released Monday.
By 50%-37%, Americans said a grand jury made the right decision in not indicting Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, according to the survey by the Pew Research Center.
But by 57%-22%, Americans said a grand jury in New York made the wrong decision in not indicting a police officer in the death of Eric Garner, who died after the officer apparently choked him while attempting to arrest him for selling untaxed cigarettes.
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More than 1,000 protest in Berkeley, shut down I-80
Jessica Guynn (USA Today)
BERKELEY, Calif. — More than 1,000 protesters marched for hours on city streets and shut down Interstate 80 in third night of demonstrations Monday over police killings in Missouri and New York.
They confronted a line of police officers in riot gear outside police headquarters before heading to a BART train station, prompting authorities to close it. Protesters then headed west on University Avenue, a four-lane divided street to shut down Interstate 80 in both directions.
A line of police officers in riot gear blocked the ramp to the freeway.
Some protesters managed to get around officers and onto the freeway but were forced back. Then protesters retook the highway, halting traffic in both directions.
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Despite progress on racism, the uncomfortable truth is that work remains
Eugene Robinson (The Washington Post)
President Obama’s observation that racism is “deeply rooted” in U.S. society is an understatement. Racism is as American as the Fourth of July, and ignoring this fact doesn’t make it go away.
These truths, to quote a familiar document, are self-evident. Obama made the remark in an interview with Black Entertainment Television, telling the network’s largely African American audience something it already knew. The president’s prediction that racism “isn’t going to be solved overnight” also came as no surprise.
Right-wing media outlets feigned shock and outrage. But their hearts didn’t seem to be in it. Not after Ferguson and Staten Island. Not after the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland. These recent atrocities prompted Obama’s comments.
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Unrest Over Race Is Testing Obama’s Legacy
Julie Hirschfeld Davis (The New York Times)
WASHINGTON — As crowds of people staged “die-ins” across the country last week to protest the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police officers, young African-American activists were in the Oval Office lodging grievances with President Obama.
He of all people — the first black president of the United States — was in a position to testify to the sense of injustice that African-Americans feel in dealing with the police every day, the activists told him. During the unrest that began with a teenager’s shooting in Ferguson, Mo., they hoped for a strong response. Why was he holding back?
Mr. Obama told the group that change is “hard and incremental,” a participant said, while reminding them that he had once been mistaken for a waiter and parking valet. When they said their voices were not being heard, Mr. Obama replied, “You are sitting in the Oval Office, talking to the president of the United States.”
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9 December 2014 - Brown and Garner cases follow up, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2014. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/9-december-2014-brown-and-garner-cases-follow-up