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8 September 2014 - Scotland: YES camp takes the lead

Publié par Clifford Armion le 09/08/2014

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Scottish independence: 'Yes' vote takes the lead for first time in shock poll
Richard Osley (The Independent)
The "Yes" campaign fighting for Scottish independence took a shock lead in the polls last night just 11 days before the country's referendum.
A fresh YouGov poll, when excluding undecided voters, placed the Scottish National Party-backed campaign for independence in a 51-49 point lead – the first time it has polled ahead.
Earlier in the campaign, unionists enjoyed a double-digit lead, an advantage which has quickly vanished in the past fortnight.
Supporters among the Yes camp were caught between celebrating the result of the poll, commissioned by The Sunday Times, and messages to colleagues to keep their feet on the ground, amid the boomerang possibility of the poll waking No voters from any complacency.
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Last stand

Scottish independence: no campaign makes last stand to keep the union
Patrick Wintour (The Guardian)
A rattled no campaign in the Scottish independence referendum was accused of panic and bogus bribes on Sunday after George Osborne vowed that "a credible timetable and process" will be agreed to develop further devolved powers.
Speaking a day after the first poll showing the yes campaign in the lead emerged, the chancellor said the Conservatives, Labour and the Liberal Democrats would agree to discuss proposals involving "much greater" fiscal autonomy for Scotland.
Offering Scotland more power over tax rates, spending and welfare, the proposals would be ready for implementation in the first Westminster parliamentary session after the 2015 general election, Osborne added.
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Scottish independence: pound could drop 10% in value
Phillip Inman (The Guardian)
Scottish independence is expected to knock up to 10% off the value of sterling, taking it back to levels last seen when Britain was in recession.
Nervous traders have already begun to sell the pound in response to narrowing polls. The currency suffered its worst week in more than a year last week. Analysts said on Sunday that a lead for the yes campaign was only going to accelerate the slide.
Howard Archer, chief economist at the consultancy IHS Global Insight, said: "Sterling will highly likely remain vulnerable now until the referendum on 18 September. Just how difficult the pound's coming week will be depends on what polls show over the coming days."
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Harry Potter

JK Rowling calls for 'reason not ranting' in Scottish independence debate
Tim Ross (The Telegraph)
JK Rowling tried to calm the heated passions of the Scottish independence referendum campaign on Saturday, urging both sides to debate with “reason not ranting”.
The Harry Potter author said that while she believed the United Kingdom should stay together, those who took the opposing view were simply “passionate” about an important issue and “not all haters”.
Rowling’s intervention came shortly before a poll put the Yes campaign in the lead for the first time ahead of the September 18 vote to decide whether Scotland should separate from the rest of the UK.
A YouGov survey for the Sunday Times found that the pro-independence campaign, led by the Scottish first minister Alex Salmond, had a two point lead of 51 per cent over the unionists’ 49 per cent.
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8 September 2014 - Scotland: YES camp takes the lead, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), août 2014. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/8-september-2014-scotland-yes-camp-takes-the-lead