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5 September 2014 - Scottish independence: 13 days to referendum

Publié par Clifford Armion le 09/05/2014

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Alistair Darling: Scottish independence referendum will go right to the wire
Mark McLaughlin (The Guardian)
The Scottish independence referendum will be a "race to the wire", the man leading the fight to keep the United Kingdom together has conceded.
With two weeks of campaigning to go until the historic vote, Better Together leader Alistair Darling said he was "absolutely confident" that Scots will reject independence at the ballot box.
The former chancellor spoke out after it was reported a source in his campaign team had conceded they could lose the September 18 referendum.
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Ed Miliband arrives in Scotland to rally no voters for referendum
Severin Carrell (The Guardian)
Ed Miliband has said he feels a huge sense of responsibility to win the independence referendum, as he arrived in Scotland to stem a surge of yes support from tens of thousands of Labour voters.
The Labour party leader came to the former mining area of Blantyre in South Lanarkshire to rouse party activists, after a shock poll had the yes campaign only six points short of winning the referendum, with up to 30% of Labour voters backing independence.
With lampposts around the Blantyre Miners Welfare Society & Social Club hung with dozens of yes posters, Miliband agreed that many Labour voters saw the 18 September vote as a chance to rid Scotland of the Tories – implying those voters were not confident Labour would win the next election.
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David Cameron: I will not resign if Scotland votes for independence
Rowena Mason (The Guardian)
David Cameron has said he "emphatically" will not resign if Scotland votes to leave the UK, as his leadership is not the matter at stake in the referendum.
The prime minister said the referendum was nothing to do with his future or that of the Scottish first minister, Alex Salmond, but is a clear choice for Scots between staying or going.
Asked on BBC Radio 4's Today programme whether he would resign, Cameron said: "I think it's very important to say no to that emphatically for this reason: that what is at stake is not this prime minister or that prime minister, or this party leader or that party leader. What is at stake is the future of Scotland … I think it is very important for people in Scotland to realise the consequence of their vote is purely and simply about Scotland and its place in the United Kingdom.
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Canada can show David Cameron how to rescue our United Kingdom
Fraser Nelson (The Telegraph)
Almost 20 years ago, Britain looked on in amazement as it seemed that Canada was about to come apart. Just two weeks before the Quebec referendum, the “no” opinion poll lead had collapsed from 20 points to just 4 points and momentum lay with the mainly French-speaking separatists. Canada’s prime minister, Jean Chrétien, who had kept a low profile given his unpopularity with the Québécois, decided he had no choice but to intervene. The overdue panic saved the country – just. The “yes” vote was 49.4 per cent.
Now, it is Britain’s turn to be two weeks from a referendum and Canada’s turn to be aghast. Earlier this week, I met Stephen Harper, its current prime minister, who seemed unable to believe that things had come this far. Canada’s struggle involved a French-speaking province with a different religion and history from the rest of the country. But where is Britain’s cultural chasm? “Canada is a country of many, many cultures,” Harper told me, but “the idea of separating English people from Scottish people in Canada is almost inconceivable.”
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5 September 2014 - Scottish independence: 13 days to referendum, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2014. Consulté le 13/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/5-september-2014-scottish-independence-13-days-to-referendum