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27 May 2014 - Aftermath of the European elections

Publié par Clifford Armion le 27/05/2014

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European elections 2014 Q&A: Who are the far-right parties and can they bring down the EU and its governments?
Charlott McDonald-Gibson (The Independent)
Marine Le Pen and other Eurosceptic leaders have said they want to bring down the EU from the inside.
So is the bloc’s implosion just a matter of time?
Hardly. Despite the blustering rhetoric from Ms Le Pen and Nigel Farage, pro-European forces still dominate the 751-seat parliament.
The centre-right European People’s Party has 213 seats in current projections, and the Socialists and Democrats group – which includes Labour MEPs – has 190 seats. Combine that with the 117 seats shared between the Liberals and the Greens, and there is a clear majority of moderates. These parties are also united in their abhorrence of the extreme right, so have extra incentive to form alliances to block the influence of the fringe parties.
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Lib Dems

Damning verdict: Nick Clegg and Lib Dems face wipeout
Patrick Wintour (The Guardian)
The electoral oblivion apparently confronting the Liberal Democrats as led by Nick Clegg was underscored on Monday by leaked opinion polls in four seats showing that the party will be wiped out.
Commissioned by a Lib Dem supporter from ICM and subsequently passed to the Guardian, the polling indicates that the Lib Dem leader would forfeit his own Sheffield Hallam constituency at the next election.
The party would also lose its seats in Cambridge, Redcar and Wells, costing MPs Julian Huppert, Ian Swales and Tessa Munt Westminster seats.
If the business secretary, Vince Cable, were to take over as leader, the Lib Dems would perform marginally better, the data suggests. Appointing Danny Alexander, the chief secretary to the Treasury, would give the party a more modest boost.
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Business leaders say politicians must act 'to deliver reform of EU’
Peter Dominiczak and James Kirkup (The Telegraph)
Party leaders must respond to the rise of the UK Independence Party by setting out detailed plans to renegotiate the relationship with the European Union, business figures say today.
In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, business leaders including some of the Conservative Party’s biggest donors, warn David Cameron that “vague promises” will drive more voters to Ukip.
Mr Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg have been left reeling by the “political earthquake” caused by Ukip’s victory in the European elections — the first national election win for a new political party in more than a century.
The Prime Minister has said he will reform Britain’s relationship with the EU before holding an in-out referendum in 2017.
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France digests far-right poll triumph
Kim Willsher (The Guardian)
In the Calvados town of Lisieux in Basse Normandie (Lower Normandy) it is hard to escape the beady eye of Saint Thérèse whose imposing basilica dominates the skyline attracting thousands of pilgrims from around the world.
On Monday, however, Lisieux was paying tribute to a secular heroine whose blue-eyed stare was equally hard to avoid. From the campaign posters, newspapers and magazines ranged in the station kiosks and newsagents, the smiling – now triumphant – face of Marine Le Pen was everywhere.
"A full-frontal shock" declared the local newspaper, alluding to Le Pen's election victory in her European constituency in north-west France. "Le Pen at 25%: the shock", headlined the best-selling regional newspaper Ouest-France.
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27 May 2014 - Aftermath of the European elections, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2014. Consulté le 13/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/27-may-2014-aftermath-of-the-european-elections