21 April 2014 - One in five teachers abused online
One in five teachers abused online by parents and pupils, survey says
Richard Adams (The Guardian)
One in five teachers have received abuse aimed at them on social media and online forums from parents and pupils – some as young as seven – a survey by the NASUWT union has found.
One teacher about to go on maternity leave was told online by a parent: "My son will fail now because of you."Another discovered a Facebook page set up by a pupil claiming the teacher wanted to kill him. One pupil told a teacher via Twitter: "You are a paedo and your daughter is a whore."
About 7,500 teachers responded to a survey on the use of technology conducted by the NASUWT, which is holding its annual conference in Birmingham.
A majority of teachers who received online abuse did not report it to their employers or police, in many cases because they did not think it would be taken seriously.
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The poll
Press Association
The poll, conducted by the NASUWT teaching union, questioned more than 7,500 teachers about the use of technology.
It found that more than a fifth (21%) of those surveyed said that negative comments had been posted about them on social media sites.
Of these, almost two thirds (64%) said that the comments had been made by pupils, more than a quarter (27%) said that they had been posted by parents and the rest said that these had been made by both pupils and parents.
Just over three in five (61%) said that the pupils posting the comments had been aged between 14 and 16, with a third (35%) saying these youngsters were between 11 and 14.
Around a fifth (21%) said that the youngsters responsible were 16 to 19, while 3% said that they were between seven and 11.
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More of the same
Richard Garner (The Independent)
Teachers are facing an increasing barrage of “vile” sexual abuse, unfair allegations of incompetence and videos of themselves taken without their consent being posted online by their pupils, according to a report seen by The Independent.
The survey of 7,500 teachers revealed that more than one in five (21 per cent) reported having adverse or derogatory comments posted about them on social media – from parents as well as children.
“Abusive and highly offensive language is common, accompanied by remarks about teachers’ appearance, competence or sexuality,” said a report out today, conducted by the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT). Poor behaviour in the classroom is enough to persuade many teachers to quit but the added element of online abuse taking place inside and outside the classroom is adding to the pressures of the job.
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Three years ago
Catherine Eade (Daily Mail)
Parents are inceasingly using social networking sites to bully and undermine teachers as well as pupils, new research shows.
With an increasing number of teachers reporting online abuse, the National Association of Headteachers (NAHT) says that members should be prepared to take action if parents have made potentially libellous comments on websites.
The NAHT says it receives hundreds of calls every week from teachers who are being 'cyberbullied' - and the majority of complaints are about parents using the web to criticise teachers or heads.
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21 April 2014 - One in five teachers abused online, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), avril 2014. Consulté le 13/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/21-april-2014-one-in-five-teachers-abused-online