2 October 2014 - Banksy mural scrubbed from wall by council
'Offensive' Banksy immigration mural in Clacton is scrubbed from wall by council
Natasha Culzac (The Independent)
A Banksy piece tackling immigration has been scrubbed from a wall in Essex after the council, without knowing who had drawn it, responded to a complaint that it was “offensive”.
The art work is commenting on anti-immigration sentiment and depicts five rock pigeons holding banners scrawled with “Migrants not welcome”, “Go back to Africa” and “Keep off our worms” towards a more exotic-looking bird beside them.
It cropped up on the wall of a boathouse this week at West Beach in Clacton-on-Sea, where a by-election will take place in eight days – one that the Ukip candidate Douglas Carswell is expected to walk away with.
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Not appropriate
Staff (BBC News)
Nigel Brown, communications manager for the council, said: "The site was inspected by staff who agreed that it could be seen as offensive and it was removed this morning in line with our policy to remove this type of material within 48 hours.
"We would obviously welcome an appropriate Banksy original on any of our seafronts and would be delighted if he returned in the future."
Close up of destroyed Banksy work Banksy's artwork has a huge following and his pieces are sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds
A spokeswoman for Banksy said the artist would not be commenting further on the Clacton piece.
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Chris Johnston (The Guardian)
A spokesman for the artist said he would not be commenting on the council’s actions.
The Clacton mural had been the second piece of art created by Banksy this week. On Tuesday a piece called Art Buff appeared on a wall in Folkestone, Kent – another part of Britain where immigration is high on the political agenda.
That work has been protected by a clear plastic sheet and the owner of the building on which it was painted has employed a security guard.
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Steve Hopkins (The Mail online)
Rebecca Bennett, 18, said she went down to the boathouse today after hearing about the famous new addition and couldn't 'believe it's gone already'.
She said: 'I am gutted. Seems a bit of an own-goal by the council as it would have been a massive tourist attraction.
'Even controversial artwork should be for people to debate - not be wiped from history.
'I bet that's the last time we'll get a Banksy here in Clacton'.
Nigel Brown, Tendring District Council's communications manager, said staff had inspected the site after receiving a complaint and 'agreed that it could be seen as offensive'.
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2 October 2014 - Banksy mural scrubbed from wall by council, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), février 2014. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/2-october-2014-banksy-mural-scrubbed-from-wall-by-council