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18 November 2014 - Church of England will have female bishops

Publié par Clifford Armion le 18/11/2014

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Church of England clears way for female bishops
Andrew Brown (The Guardian)
The Church of England has finally cleared the last obstacle to appointing women as bishops, overwhelmingly approving legislation at the General Synod bringing to an end 20 years of wrangling.
In a show of hands, about 30 people voted against the motion, out of about 480 present. The first women could be appointed before Christmas and arrangements are in place to fast-track anyone eligible into the House of Lords. It seems likely there will be a woman sitting in the House of Lords as a bishop by Easter next year.
The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, predicted that in 10 years, half the Church of England’s bishops might be women. “Ten to 15 years would be reasonable. It depends when people retire,” he said after the vote.
Welby said the church was working to train women as potential bishops. “The aim is that you end up with a big pool of people where gender is irrelevant. We are going to take this very, very seriously.”
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At last

Female bishops: Anglicans preparing for first appointment
Caroline Wyatt (BBC news)
The Church of England has broken with centuries of tradition after its general synod amended church law to allow the appointment of female bishops. The first female bishop is expected to be installed in the new year.
And at Sunday service at St Mary Newington church in south London, there was a real sense of anticipation over the knowledge that from the following afternoon, women would be able to become bishops, some two decades after the Church of England first accepted women priests.
Parishioners here said it was high time for the change.
"Finally, finally, it's been so ridiculous that we've had to wait so long," exclaimed one woman after the service.
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Nottingham could be the first diocese to appoint a female bishop as law change is approved
Ellie Cullen (The Nottingham Post)
NOTTINGHAM could be the first diocese in the country to appoint a woman bishop after the Church of England officially approved the change in law.
The general synod voted in favour of female bishops in July, but the final seal of approval was given at another meeting on Monday.
The bishop’s role in the diocese of Southwell and Nottingham is currently vacant, and is expected to be filled in the new year – the first after the law change.
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Female clerics coached for bishop selection as Church of England prepares for historic change
John Bingham (The Telegraph)
A string of senior female priests have been given special training to put them in prime position to become bishops in the Church of England when a historic change in canon law comes into force, the cleric who oversaw the process has disclosed.
The Rt Rev James Langstaff, the Bishop of Rochester, said there had been a major push to ensure that any female candidates interviewed for vacant sees in the coming months have the same chance as their male counterparts, some of whom may have been preparing for the process for years.
The decades-long campaign to open up the most senior positions in the Established Church to women will reach its conclusion when the Archbishops of Canterbury and York formally sign the change into law in front of the ruling General Synod in London on Monday
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18 November 2014 - Church of England will have female bishops, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), novembre 2014. Consulté le 07/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/18-november-2014-church-of-england-will-have-female-bishops