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18 February 2014 - China’s poorest beat best English pupils

Publié par Clifford Armion le 18/02/2014

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China’s poorest beat our best pupils

Graeme Paton (The Telegraph)
British schoolchildren are lagging so far behind their peers in the Far East that even pupils from wealthy backgrounds are now performing worse in exams than the poorest students in China, an international study shows.
The children of factory workers and cleaners in parts of the Far East are more than a year ahead of the offspring of British doctors and lawyers, according to a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Researchers said the study, which looked at the performance of 15-year-olds in mathematics, showed countries to could overcome traditional social class divides to raise education standards among relatively deprived pupils.
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Seeing is believing

Education minister Elizabeth Truss to travel to Shanghai to find out secrets behind maths success
Alison Kershaw (The Independent)
The UK will suffer economic decline if attitudes towards maths do not change, according to Elizabeth Truss.
The education minister suggested that the nation's productivity and growth is being put under threat by poor maths skills.
Ms Truss's comments come the week before she is due to lead a trip to Shanghai, China, to find out why their results in the subject are so high.
Recent international tests put China, along with a number of other Asian nations , at the top for maths skills.
“Shanghai is the top-performing part of the world for maths - their children are streets ahead,” Ms Truss said.
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Same observation three years ago...

How China is winning the school race
Yojana Sharma (BBC)
China's education performance - at least in cities such as Shanghai and Hong Kong - seems to be as spectacular as the country's breakneck economic expansion, outperforming many more advanced countries.
But what is behind this success?
Eyebrows were raised when the results of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's international maths, science and reading tests - the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) tests - were published.
Shanghai, taking part for the first time, came top in all three subjects.
Meanwhile, Hong Kong which was performing well in the last decade of British rule, has gone from good to great. In this global ranking, it came fourth in reading, second in maths and third in science.
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A bit of context

Schools should adopt Chinese-style lessons, says minister
Graeme Paton (The Telegraph)
Schools should adopt Chinese-style tactics such as evening classes and a purge on time-wasting between lessons to raise standards in key subjects, according to the Education Minister.
Teachers need to “learn from the Asian tigers” to ensure pupils catch up with their peers in top-performing countries, said Elizabeth Truss.
In a speech, she said schools needed to be “much more ambitious” to stop children slipping behind in disciplines such as maths and science.
This includes staging hour-long after-school classes in place of homework tasks and cutting out time-wasting during the day to squeeze in an additional half-hour “enrichment” lesson.
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18 February 2014 - China’s poorest beat best English pupils, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), février 2014. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/18-february-2014-china-s-poorest-beat-best-english-pupils