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17 September 2014 - Scotland: Tomorrow...

Publié par Clifford Armion le 17/09/2014

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Welcome to the nation formerly known as the UK
Hamish MacRae (The Independent)
Whatever happens this week, the United Kingdom will be utterly different. The political construct that we call the UK may lose its 300-year identity altogether. That we will soon learn. But even if the UK nominally survives, it will become a much looser association – you might say a less united kingdom – carrying on the process of separation that began just over 100 years ago in May 1914 when Westminster finally passed the Government of Ireland Act, giving Ireland home rule. The First World War intervened, implementation was suspended, and the slither into the troubled subsequent relationship between our two countries continued for the rest of the century. In 1930, King George V remarked to his Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald: “What fools we were not to have accepted Gladstone’s Home Rule Bill.”
What fools indeed...
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If Scotland votes yes: a phone call from Cameron then hard negotiations begin
Nicholas Watt and Severin Carrell (The Guardian)
A series of carefully laid plans drawn up in secrecy in Whitehall over recent months will be triggered in the early hours of Friday morning if Scotland votes to secede from the United Kingdom.
The first – and most important – move will come when David Cameron telephones Alex Salmond to concede defeat. The prime minister will want to adopt a warm tone to reassure the markets that the remainder of the UK has no intention of engaging in recriminations with Scotland, which would be highly destabilising for the economies of both countries.
But Cameron will also be firm in making clear that the remainder of the UK has no plans – at this stage, at least – to agree to Salmond's demands to form a currency union. This will be crucial in reassuring the markets, which will regard sterling as an even more vulnerable currency if the Bank of England has to act as lender of last resort to Scottish banks – whose liabilities are 12 times the GDP of Scotland – without firm UK control over fiscal policy north of the border.
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Scottish independence: women voters could save the Union
Tim Ross (The Telegraph)
The fate of the United Kingdom rests in the hands of women voters, according to an exclusive poll for The Telegraph which shows that the Scottish independence referendum is on a knife edge.
With one final day of campaigning left before voting begins, the poll of 1,150 Scots shows 52 per cent plan to say No to independence on Thursday, with 48 per cent intending to vote Yes.
The lead for the pro-Union No campaign has narrowed from six points to four since Opinium’s previous survey was published on Sunday.
With the research for the Telegraph poll concluding on Monday, the referendum battle appears to be poised for the closest possible result.
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Expensive union

OUTRAGE at Scottish bribes: Politicians pledge more of OUR cash to save the union
Macer Hall (The Express)
David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg signed a joint declaration pledging to retain funding that guarantees them an extra £1,400 of state spending per head compared with those in England and Wales.
The party leaders pledged that Scotland would continue to receive taxpayers’ cash – worth nearly £7.5billion this year – in ­perpetuity even though the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh is to get sweeping tax-raising powers in a new devolution deal.
But the promise to keep paying the handout indefinitely – a blatant bribe to voters in tomorrow’s independence referendum – triggered widespread outrage among English MPs.
Scots already get free social care for the elderly and free student tuition that England cannot afford under the current funding deal.
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17 September 2014 - Scotland: Tomorrow..., La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2014. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/17-september-2014-scotland-tomorrow-