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14 April 2014 - UK doctors to offer Skype checkups

Publié par Clifford Armion le 14/04/2014

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Doctors' surgeries to offer out-of-hours appointments and Skype checkups

Rowena Mason (The Guardian)
One in 10 surgeries are to offer patients the choice of seeing a GP at evenings and weekends, booking appointments online, receiving electronic prescriptions and having checkups over Skype, David Cameron will say on Monday.
The prime minister unveiled the £50m scheme in October amid fears that too many people are turning up to A&E when they cannot get appointments with their GP, putting too much pressure on emergency departments.
Doctors were invited to apply for funding, and demand for the money means seven million patients at more than 1,100 practices – rather than the 500,000 patients envisaged – will benefit from the trials from next month.
However, Labour raised concerns that the majority of people still have unacceptably long waits to see their GP because the government removed a requirement for patients to be seen within 48 hours.
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More of the same

Exclusive: David Cameron's £50m package will fund 'bespoke' GP services for elderly patients
Jane Merrick (The Independent)
More than 1,000 GP surgeries will start offering appointments in the evening and at weekends, David Cameron will announce tomorrow. There are also schemes for consultations by Skype, and personalised care plans for the elderly.
The Prime Minister will unveil a £50m "Challenge Fund" package designed to stem anger over the failure of family doctors to provide round-the-clock appointments, with patients forced to book many weeks ahead or to compete with others for an emergency on-the-day consultation.
At the heart of the plan is a "bespoke service" for more than 750,000 elderly patients, which is designed to ease pressure on hospitals; a large proportion of beds are being taken up with over-75s, one of the fastest growing age groups in the population.
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Two years ago...

End of the doctors surgery? GP visits to be replaced by Skype consultations in bid to save NHS £3bn
Adam Shergold (Daily Mail)
Plans to replace face-to-face doctor's surgery appointments with treatment over the phone or via computer weblink will put lives at risk, ministers and campaigners have warned.
The new system of 'virtual clinics' favoured by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt could spell the end of traditional doctor's surgeries with appointments conducted on iPads and Skype, and test results delivered by text message.
The Sunday Express reported that NHS bosses are importing the idea from India and believe the changes would cut £2.9bn almost immediately, a good chunk of the £20bn the NHS must save to fill its funding gap.
However, critics say the plans would create a two-tier health service, where those who are less technologically able - particularly the elderly - would be left behind, and the trust between doctor and patient eroded.
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Other uses!!!

Missing the dog? Call to say hello: Growing number of owners using Skype to communicate when they are at work
Hannah Roberts (Daily Mail)
It's a feeling dog owners know all too well – the guilt brought on by the hurt look in your pet’s eyes when you leave them at home alone.
Now dog lovers are turning to the free online video call service Skype to communicate with their pet while they are out at work.
The idea is taking off in the US where dog owners are setting up a Skype account in their pet’s name. A small setting change means the machine at home picks up automatically when they dial in.
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14 April 2014 - UK doctors to offer Skype checkups, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), avril 2014. Consulté le 13/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/14-april-2014-uk-doctors-to-offer-skype-checkups