11 September 2014 - Scotland referendum: D-Day -7
US refuses to intervene in final days of Scottish referendum
Raf Sanchez (The Telagraph)
The US is firmly refusing to take sides in the finals days before the Scottish referendum, appearing to back away from President Barack Obama's calls for the UK to remain "united".
Asked in June about the issue of Scottish independence, Mr Obama said the US had "a deep interest" in making sure that Britain remains "strong, robust, united and an effective partner".
Yet as the September 18 vote draws near and polls show a real possibility of the UK fracturing into two states, the US State Department would not repeat Mr Obama's backing for the union.
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Patrick Collinson, Jill Treanor and Rupert Jones (The Guardian)
The financial implications of a yes vote for Scottish independence came under intense scrutiny as home owners were warned it would be harder get a mortgage and Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group made plans to move to London if the electorate backed a breakaway from the UK.
The revelations about the contingency plans by the two banks – which employ thousands of people in Scotland – to set up legal entities in England came after Scottish homebuyers were facing warnings it could be harder to obtain a mortgage in the event of a yes vote.
The bosses of two major companies – BP and Standard Life – had also voiced their concerns about the impact of a yes vote even before details emerged of the plans being made by the two bailed-out banks to move their crucial legal status if the referendum on 18 September backed Alex Salmond's independence campaign.
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Michael Deacon (The National Post)
First: an apology. My job is to tell you what’s going on in the Scottish referendum. But I’m not sure I can.
I’m not sure anyone knows what’s going on any more. Least of all the people in charge of the campaigns. The story is careering out of control like a driverless lorry down Arthur’s Seat, with politicians, activists and journalists panting and screeching helplessly after it.
I mean: the flag. That flag. Since the weekend poll that showed the Yes campaign was leading Better Together for the first time, the main line of attack from Yes has essentially been: “Our opponents are panicking. They’re desperate. They’re flapping and clucking like delirious hens.”
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David Clegg (The Mirror)
The fight to keep the UK together received a boost tonight after a dramatic new poll showed support for independence has stalled.
An exclusive survey for the Daily Record gives the No side a six point lead - the same margin as two months ago.
The Survation poll of 1,000 Scots showed 47.6% plan to vote No a week tomorrow with only 42.4% voting Yes.
When the 10% of people still to make up their mind are removed, that would give a referendum result of 53% No to 47% Yes.
The news will come as a major relief for Better Together boss Alistair Darling, who has been accused of presiding over a “disintegrating” campaign after a bombshell poll on Saturday night put the Nationalists ahead.
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11 September 2014 - Scotland referendum: D-Day -7, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), novembre 2014. Consulté le 09/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2014/11-september-2014-scotland-referendum-d-day-7