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24 February 2025 - Minister resigns after 'overbearing' behaviour towards staffer in New Zealand

Publié par Reda Boulkhiam le 24/02/2025

NZ minister resigns after he 'placed hand' on staff's arm

Koh Ewe and Kathryn Armstrong (BBC, 24/02/2025)

New Zealand's commerce minister Andrew Bayly has resigned as a government minister after he "placed a hand" on a staff member's upper arm last week, in what he described as "overbearing" behaviour.

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Three days' grace for Andrew Bayly raises more questions

Jo Moir (RNZ, 24/02/2025) 

Analysis: National MP Andrew Bayly has got off lightly being allowed to resign as a minister - escaping the harsher sentence of being sacked by the Prime Minister.

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When was the last time you ‘held’ your colleague?

Madeleine Chapman (The Spinoff, 24/02/2025)

How are we back here again? Despite the global movements around workplace harassment, bullying and common decency, parliament seems to be the last place to get the memo that if in doubt, don’t touch your colleagues. Andrew Bayly, he of the L-on-the-forehead scandal, has resigned as minister of commerce and consumer affairs, and ACC, after an “animated” discussion with a staffer turned physical.

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Barry Soper: Andrew Bayly's found himself in trouble

Newstalk ZB reporter (Newstalk ZB, 24/02/2025)

Former Minister Andrew Bayly says a complaint was laid about him laying a hand on a staffer. He says it was during a work discussion he's called 'animated' last Tuesday.

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Andrew Bayly in 2023. Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0.