18 March 2025 - Blobfish Wins New Zealand’s Fish of the Year
Once named world’s ugliest animal, blobfish wins New Zealand’s fish of the year
Eva Corlett (The Guardian, 18/03/2025)
It was once crowned the “world’s ugliest animal” and now the disgruntled-looking gelatinous blobfish has a new gong to its name: New Zealand’s fish of the year.
Fish Of The Year Winner Announced
Community Scoop (Community Scoop, 18/03/2025)
All hail King Blobfish! The annual Fish of the Year 2025 competition came to a dramatic close yesterday, with deep sea rivals orange roughy and blobfish campaigning hard right up to the last minute. The blobfish emerged victorious over orange roughy by nearly 300 votes.
Blobfish Wins New Zealand’s Fish of the Year, Leaving Rivals Behind
Nisha Srivastava (The Daily Guardian, 18/03/2025)
The blobfish, once mocked as the “world’s ugliest animal,” has now claimed a new title—New Zealand’s Fish of the Year. This deep-sea species, known as Psychrolutes marcidus, lives in the high-pressure waters off New Zealand and Australia.
Blobfish: Facts about the ugliest animal in the world
Ian Taylor, Patrick Pester and George Edwards (BBC Science Focus, 24/10/2024)
Ah, the blobfish – the gelatinous-looking internet sensation that took the world by storm in 2003 due to its flabby face that’s equally intriguing, horrifying and hilarious.
Artist's representation of two blobfish in situ. Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0.