Residents return to ruined Calif hillsides after blowout of gas line that was ranked high-risk
Clifford Armion
le 13/09/2010
Garance Burke
"SAN BRUNO, Calif. (AP) Residents returned Sunday to the ruined hillsides of their suburban San Francisco neighborhood, three days after a natural gas pipeline exploded into a deadly fireball. "A nearby risky segment of the gas line was due to be replaced, the utility responsible said, because it ran through a heavily urbanized area and the likelihood of failure was "unacceptably high." That 30-inch diameter pipe a few miles north was installed in 1948, and was slated to be swapped for new, smaller pipe. "California regulators ordered the utility, Pacific Gas and Electric, to survey all its natural gas lines in the state in hopes of heading off another disaster." Read on...Pour citer cette ressource :
Residents return to ruined Calif hillsides after blowout of gas line that was ranked high-risk, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2010. Consulté le 17/01/2025. URL: