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Paper says loss of Google would harm China

Publié par Clifford Armion le 14/01/2010

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Joe McDonald

"BEIJING (AP) China's ruling party newspaper warned Internet companies Thursday to obey government controls as Web users watched anxiously to see whether Google carries out a threat to leave the country over censorship. "There was still no government response to Google Inc.'s announcement that it might pull out of China. But Peoples Daily, citing a Cabinet official's comments in November, said companies must help the government keep the Internet safe and fight online pornography and cyber attacks. "Web companies must abide by "propaganda discipline," the official, Wang Chen, was quoted as saying. "Companies have to concretely increase the ability of Internet media to guide public opinion in order to uphold Internet safety."" Read on...
Pour citer cette ressource :

"Paper says loss of Google would harm China", La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2010. Consulté le 27/07/2024. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/archives/archives-revue-de-presse/paper-says-loss-of-google-would-harm-china