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Libyan papers show UK worked with Gaddafi in rendition operation

Publié par Clifford Armion le 09/05/2011

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Ian Cobain, and Martin Chulov

"Evidence that British intelligence agencies mounted their own "rendition" operation in collaboration with Muammar Gaddafi's security services has emerged with the discovery of a cache of Libyan government papers in an abandoned office building in Tripoli.

"A secret CIA document found among the haul shows that the British and Libyans worked together to arrange for a terrorism suspect to be removed from Hong Kong to Tripoli - along with his wife and children - despite the risk that they would be tortured. The wording of the document suggests the CIA was not involved in the planning of the rendition operation, but was eager to become engaged during its execution and offered financial support.

"Other papers found in the building suggest MI6 enjoyed a far closer working relationship with Gaddafi's intelligence agencies than has been publicly known, and was involved in a number of US-led operations that also resulted in Islamists being consigned to Gaddafi's prisons."

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Pour citer cette ressource :

"Libyan papers show UK worked with Gaddafi in rendition operation", La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2011. Consulté le 27/07/2024. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/archives/archives-revue-de-presse/libyan-papers-show-uk-worked-with-gaddafi-in-rendition-operation