Israel, Egypt easing blockade on Gaza after 9 activists killed in Israeli raid on aid flotilla
Clifford Armion
le 06/02/2010
Josef Federman
"JERUSALEM (AP) Israel and Egypt signaled a temporary easing of the Gaza Strip blockade following harsh international condemnation of the deadly Israeli raid on an aid flotilla en route to the sealed-off Palestinian territory. "Egypt said it was freely opening its border with Gaza for the first time in more than a year to allow in humanitarian aid, setting off a mad rush to the crossing by thousands of residents, while an Israeli official said there is an "ongoing dialogue" with the international community on how to expand the amount of goods entering the area. "At the same time, Israel began expelling some of the nearly 700 activists it rounded up in the naval raid, and strongly rejected criticism that its tactics were heavy-handed. The government said late Tuesday it would deport almost all of them within the next two days, but about 50 would be held for investigation into their part in the violence at sea." Read on...Pour citer cette ressource :
Israel, Egypt easing blockade on Gaza after 9 activists killed in Israeli raid on aid flotilla, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), février 2010. Consulté le 07/02/2025. URL: