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Investment Losses Cause Steep Dip in University Endowments, Study Finds

Publié par Clifford Armion le 28/01/2010

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Tamar Lewin

"Reflecting the difficult financial environment for higher education, university endowments lost an average of 18.7 percent in the last fiscal year, the worst returns since the Great Depression, according to a study of hundreds of public and private institutions.

"The study, by the National Association of College and University Business Officers and Commonfund, a nonprofit organization that manages university investments, also found that in the last year, many endowment managers increased the move from traditional fixed-income instruments and stocks into alternative investments like private equity, hedge funds, venture capital and private-equity real estate all of which performed badly in fiscal 2009."

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Pour citer cette ressource :

"Investment Losses Cause Steep Dip in University Endowments, Study Finds", La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2010. Consulté le 27/07/2024. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/archives/archives-revue-de-presse/investment-losses-cause-steep-dip-in-university-endowments-study-finds