Exam board to penalise private school pupils
Richard Garner
"A controversial plan to rank all A-level students according to the schools they attend - which would allow universities to discriminate against pupils from private schools - is unveiled today by Britain's biggest exam board.
"The radical proposal would allow universities to offer places to students from disadvantaged homes who showed potential but had performed less well in exams than their peers at better schools.
"The plan by the exam board AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance) provoked a storm of argument among academics and independent schools. There were immediate fears that candidates will be penalised simply because they achieve good A-level results at a good school. Independent schools are also alarmed that the approach could discriminate against disadvantaged pupils to whom they have offered scholarships."
Pour citer cette ressource :
Exam board to penalise private school pupils, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2011. Consulté le 05/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/archives/archives-revue-de-presse/exam-board-to-penalise-private-school-pupils