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Cody Wilson created a gun that can be download and built with a 3D printer - is he too dangerous for Britain?

Publié par Clifford Armion le 22/11/2013

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Paul Peachey

He speaks of liberty, freedom and helping society’s marginalised. His dedication to civil liberties has brought him a loyal band of followers. Now Cody Wilson, scourge of the campaign to control the proliferation of arms, is coming to London with a new mission: to challenge the global financial system.
Mr Wilson, 25 – named by Wired magazine as one of the world’s 15 most dangerous people after he created a gun that can be download and built with a 3D printer – is promoting a crypto-currency that would operate outside of government control.
Driven by an extreme libertarian philosophy, the Texan has already achieved notoriety with his vision of putting a gun in the hands of anyone who wants one – and who has a few hundred pounds. The online blueprint for his handgun – the Liberator – has been downloaded 100,000 times since it was released in May.
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Pour citer cette ressource :

"Cody Wilson created a gun that can be download and built with a 3D printer - is he too dangerous for Britain? ", La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), novembre 2013. Consulté le 27/07/2024. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/archives/archives-revue-de-presse/cody-wilson-created-a-gun-that-can-be-download-and-built-with-a-3d-printer-is-he-too-dangerous-for-britain-