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Sujet dissertation agrégation externe d'anglais - session 2022

Publié par Marion Coste le 15/03/2022

L'épreuve de dissertation en français de l'agrégation externe d'anglais a eu lieu le 14 mars 2022. En voici le sujet : 

Analysez et discutez la citation suivante :

“We also need to dispel a long-standing misconception about the BBC and its historical belief in a hierarchy of cultural value. Undoubtedly, as an institution it found it immensely difficult to approach working men and women without condescension, or to assimilate the features of their lives into its programmes. Yet, even at the height of Reithian zeal, it was never simply force-feeding an undiluted diet of forbidding and alien fare onto a reluctant population.”

David Hendy, Public Service Broadcasting, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, p. 60.

Le sujet complet sera rapidement disponible sur le site de la SAES