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19 ressources contiennent le mot-clé identity.
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“Somewhere between coloured and white”: ambivalence and loss of bearings in Caryl Phillips’ A View of the Empire at Sunset
par Mathilde Branchereau, publié le 14/02/2024[Fiche] In A View of the Empire at Sunset, Caryl Phillips proposes a fictionalised version of the life of novelist Jean Rhys – a Creole woman from Dominica expatriated in Europe – as a mirror image of the decline and dissolution of the British colonial Empire over the course of the 20th century. By depicting the protagonist’s struggle to find a sense of belonging, the novel highlights how colonial subjects may be confronted to a feeling of identity ambivalence and a loss of bearings.
The American Wilderness: an Ambivalent Image of Self-regeneration and Psychological Disintegration. From Dead Man (1995) to Into the Wild (2007).
par Martin Berny, publié le 03/06/2021This presentation deals with the wilderness motif in contemporary American literature and American cinema. Going back to the origins of this ambivalent image, it aims at explaining the underlying ideology that actively contributes to the endless process of mythogenesis of the American nation. On the individual level, it is through a journey of self-reinvention or reconstruction of the self that the wilderness appears as either a path to a metaphorical rebirth or as a dangerous place where one has to face the perils of psychological disintegration. Focusing on historical notions and topics such as Turner’s Frontier thesis, the Transcendentalist movement, or the representation of Native Americans in popular culture, this article deals with the limits of the American dream of self-transcendence. It explores works such as Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man (1995) and both Jon Krakauer’s non-fiction bestseller Into the Wild (1996) and its film adaptation directed by Sean Penn (2007).
The Travelers, Regina Porter (2019)
par Jillian Bruns, publié le 23/02/2021Fiche de lecture du roman "The Travelers" de Regina Porter.
Mobility and Immobility in Colm Tóibín’s Brooklyn: Migration as a Static Initiatory Journey
par Coline Pavia, publié le 01/07/2020Colm Tóibín’s Brooklyn centres on Eilis Lacey’s migration from Ireland to Brooklyn. The protagonist’s spatial mobility is accompanied by an identity change, as her self evolves when she settles in New York. Although she embarks on an initiatory journey through migration, Eilis faces various forms of immobility: the American territory resembles Ireland, and she is confronted to family duty when she thought she would escape it. This article therefore shows that the protagonist’s migration in Brooklyn is paradoxically mainly static, in terms of both space and identity. However, Eilis’s mobility still fosters a form of inner transformation as she is faced with a division between her Irish and American homes and between two selves that are irreconcilable.
Dana Spiotta: Disillusion
par Dana Spiotta, publié le 15/09/2015Ce texte original de Dana Spiotta a été écrit dans le cadre des Assises Internationales du Roman 2015.
Adelle Waldman: L’identité troublée
par Adelle Waldman, publié le 15/09/2015In reporter and columnist Adelle Waldman’s first, highly touted novel, La Vie amoureuse de Nathaniel P., the author describes with subtlety and irony the meanderings of Nate Piven, a popular writer moving up in the elite literary circles of Brooklyn. He is also a young lover drunk with his success with women. In this astute novel of manners, Waldman brilliantly paints the portrait of a modern, imperfect and narcissistic male with a troubled love life.
Identity (Dana Spiotta)
par Dana Spiotta, publié le 26/08/2015I read obituaries. I love to read about people who were notable for one thing—say the woman who appears in a famous photo at Kent State. I am drawn to what people think of as failures: the guy who backed the wrong videotape format or the guy who lost an election after a tweet. I like to read about people whose lives took dramatic turns, like the guy who spent most of his life running an ice cream shop in New Jersey but secretly had a past life as a war criminal. I am fascinated by secret lives or multiplex identities. I imagine the day-to-day ordinary life, what does it feel like over time. I wonder about consequences, guilt, and redemption. I wonder how your past shapes who you are. And I wonder about the life that takes shape around an event. How a fleeting moment can change you, or maybe not. Maybe you are you no matter what.
L’autobiographie et les nouveaux outils de communication
par Philippe Lejeune, publié le 18/09/2014Conférence prononcée à la Journée de rencontre régionale Rhône-Alpes de la XVIIe Semaine de la langue française et de la francophonie, Lyon, 6 octobre 2012. Ce texte publié sur Autopacte est reproduit ici avec l'aimable autorisation de Philippe Lejeune.
Some Thoughts on Identity
par Claude Arnaud, publié le 18/01/2013It is the topic par excellence, the enigma that is impossible to solve. This puppet that we call somewhat pompously “The Self,” what is it in the end? An actor who resigns himself, around the age of thirty, to play only one role, or a born clown who struggles to understand himself, having changed so often?
Some Thoughts About Memory, Identity, and the False Family Narrative
par Mira Bartók, publié le 15/01/2013Identity and family legacy are partially formed by the family “memory narrative”—a family member, usually our mother or father, tells us stories about what happened before we were born or when we were too young to remember momentous events. But what happens when that narrator in the family is mentally ill, or a compulsive liar? In my case, my schizophrenic mother was the unreliable narrator of our family history. And my alcoholic father, a gifted writer who left when I was four, told my mother’s family grandiose lies about his own past.
La quête du moi au XVIIIème siècle en Angleterre : des philosophes empiristes aux romanciers
par Marion Lopez, publié le 21/06/2012Avec les philosophes empiristes britanniques du 18ème siècle, la conception d’une identité immuable est ébranlée. L’esprit se conçoit comme le miroir de sensations et de passions. Le moi monadique ne tient pas devant l’expérience. Désormais l'homme ne peut plus compter sur une identité fixe, marquée par un cadre cosmique, et s'effraie devant l'immensité des espaces infinis. Le 18ème siècle, promesse d’une plus grande liberté de l’individu, avec la possibilité d’évoluer, est aussi celui d’une perte de repère pour l’individu. En effet, les nouvelles révolutions scientifiques bousculent la vision traditionnelle de l’universel. L’individu prend confiance dans le pouvoir de sa raison comme un outil potentiel d’examen du monde qui l’entoure. L’autobiographie qui se développe au même moment est une réponse à cette inquiétude sur le sens à donner à sa vie. De l’autobiographie spirituelle, gage d’une bonne pratique religieuse, au roman, l’objectif de cet article est d’amorcer une réflexion sur l’identité.
Internet: the end of privacy?
par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 19/06/2012Ce dossier propose des ressources qui traitent des "dangers" d'Internet, notamment en matière de protection de la vie privée et de l'identité numérique.
Beauty, Intensity, Asymmetry
par François Chaignaud, publié le 16/02/2012"Beauty, Intensity, Asymmetry are born in my mouth like three goddesses ripe for veneration - far more than Identity, Gender, or Transgression, and utterly different from them. But this Beauty, of which we know only that some wish to buy but never to sell it, much less allow it to disappear or cause it to flee - nor to be the man or woman who no longer possesses anything but memories of it - is she a prescriptive goddess?"
Screening Identities - Danny Glover in conversation with Manthia Diawara
par Manthia Diawara, Danny Glover, Avital Ronell, publié le 20/01/2012Messrs Diawara and Glover will be exploring, on a thematic and existential register, the way relations are formed and uprooted in cinema. How are relations depicted, and according to what codes of presumed compliance or revolt, desire or disgust, necessity or chance, in the encounters that are thematized in African and African-American film? What are some of the back-stories and unrecorded affinities that have enabled or disturbed the emergence of the Black cinematic art?
Sally Morgan, Citizenship (1988)
par Sally Morgan, ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/01/2012Sally Morgan est une auteure et une artiste australienne aborigène. Ses travaux traitent des relations troublées entre aborigènes et population blanche en Australie au cours du XXème siècle. A partir d'une oeuvre de cette artiste, cette page propose plusieurs exercices d'analyse d'image.
Aboriginal Australians and the white population, a troubled relationship
par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/01/2012Ce dossier sur les relations difficiles entre aborigènes et blancs en Australie regroupe trois ressources accompagnées d'exercices de compréhension et de production orales et écrites, ainsi que d'analyse d'image.
Benang, itinéraire d’une reconstruction identitaire : de la dislocation à la renaissance
par Isabelle Bénigno, publié le 08/04/2011L'écrivain aborigène Kim Scott doit indiscutablement sa notoriété à la publication en 1999 de son second roman, Benang. Harley (métis aborigène) tente de retrouver ses racines, de comprendre pourquoi il est aborigène alors qu'il est blanc de peau. A travers l'examen de documents historiques authentiques (des origines de l'Australie coloniale à la mise en œuvre de la politique d'assimilation) et le récit des vies brisées des grands-parents, oncles et tantes du narrateur, ce dernier explore les violences physiques et psychologiques subies par les Aborigènes. L'éclatement de la diégèse accompagne le narrateur dans la découverte progressive d'une généalogie personnelle pour le moins cruelle. Au terme de cette quête, Harley réalise qu'il est le « résultat » de plusieurs générations de métissage imposé par des autorités australiennes déterminées à « blanchir la race » et dont son grand-père, Ern Solomon Scat est l'un des artisans.
The Sociolinguistics of Identity
par Peter Stockwell, Manuel Jobert, publié le 31/03/2009Le grand débat de la sociolinguistique aujourd'hui tourne autour de la question de la place que doit (ou ne doit pas) occuper la notion d'identité dans l'analyse sociolinguistique. Invité par le Centre d'Etudes Linguistiques de l'Université Lyon 3, Peter Stockwell, Professeur à l'Université de Nottingham, spécialiste de stylistique cognitive et de sociolinguistique, clôt sa série de conférences en revenant sur ce débat.
Fiche de lecture : Arthur and George, Julian Barnes
par Thibaud Harrois, publié le 07/05/2008The novel is based on an actual story, known as the "Great Wyrley Outrages". At the end of the 19th century, George Edalji, a solicitor from Great Wyrley, a village near Birmingham, was wrongly found guilty of slaying a number of farm animals. He was sentenced to seven years in jail. In 1906, Edalji was released but he was not pardoned. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous author of the Sherlock Holmes stories, was involved in the case. Indeed, he tried to prove the man's innocence and was at the source of what was considered as an English Dreyfus Case.