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Il y a 26 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
"Ideas don't exist, except within emotions": Interview with Joshua Cohen par Joshua Cohen, Benjamin Ferguson, publié le 20/12/2019
Joshua Cohen is an American writer and literary critic, whose first collection of essays, ATTENTION: Dispatches from a Land of Distraction (2019) explores the notion of attention in today's society. In this interview, Joshua Cohen talks about writing for a global readership, being a novelist in the age of non-fiction, the effects of #MeToo on literary production and the invention of facts.
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"Language is a movement between scattered forms": Interview with Amitava Kumar par Amitava Kumar, Natacha Lasorak, publié le 25/10/2019
Amitava Kumar is an Indian writer and journalist who teaches literature at Vassar College. In this interview, he talks about his collection of essays Away: The Indian Writer as an Expatriate (2004) and his novel Immigrant, Montana (2017), and focuses on the notion of "home", immigration, the caste system and the political situation in India.
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The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance / L'Homme qui tua Liberty Valance (John Ford -1962) par Lionel Gerin, publié le 26/02/2015
John Ford est l'un des plus grands, sans contestation possible. Citons Orson Welles, interviewé sur les cinéastes importants à ses yeux, qui répondait:"Les vieux maîtres, c'est à dire John Ford, John Ford et John Ford." L'Homme qui tua Liberty Valance est l'avant-dernier western de John Ford est l'un de ses derniers films. Ford a contribué, et comment!, à forger la légende de l'ouest, il en est l'un des "inventeurs". Il est donc passionnant de voir son regard vieillissant sur le genre et les thèmes qu'il affectionne: la loi et son avènement, opposée au "wild west", la vieillesse, la fidélité, la vérité et la légende, la "naissance d'une nation", d'une communauté, la violence et son usage.
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An interview with Jonathan Coe (Expo 58) par Jonathan Coe, Clifford Armion, publié le 18/02/2014
Jonathan Coe was born in Birmingham in 1961. His novels include The Rotters' Club, The Accidental Woman, A Touch of Love, The Dwarves of Death, What a Carve Up!, which won the 1995 John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and the French Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger and The Rain Before it Falls. His latest novel is Expo 58.
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The 9/11 memorial, an ambitious renunciation par Clifford Chanin, ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 15/01/2013
A partir d'une interview de Clifford Chanin, directeur de l'éducation et des programmes au 9/11 museum de New York, sur le mémorial du 11 septembre 2001, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension générale et détaillée, ainsi qu'un exercice de phonétique.
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Understanding the social media: an interview with Jeffrey Rosen par Jeffrey Rosen, Clifford Armion, publié le 10/01/2013
Now that we’re living most of our lives online, all of us are vulnerable to the internet. The difficulty with young people is that they may not have experienced the dangers of not being able to escape your past until it’s too late. I like to tell the story of Stacy Sneider, the young 22 year old teacher in training who posted a picture of herself on Myspace wearing a pirate’s hat and drinking from a plastic cup that said drunken pirate. Her supervisor at the school said she was promoting drinking and she was fired. She sued and was unable to get her job back and she had to pick an entirely different career. That’s a very dramatic example on how vulnerable all of us are to being judged out of context by a single image or ill chosen picture and once you do that it may be very hard to escape your past.
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The 9/11 memorial - Interview and footage of the WTC site par Clifford Chanin, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/10/2012
The original World Trade Centre site was 16 acres which if my calculations are correct is about 10 hectares in French geographical terms. So it was a very large space in the centre of the downtown Wall Street business district in New York. Those two buildings were each 110 stories tall. Each floor was an acre square. So you had 10 million square feet of floor space in those buildings. It really was an attempt to build the largest buildings in the world and bring companies from around the world to do business in those buildings. Once the attacks came and the buildings collapsed, it emerged very quickly in the planning process that the actual footprints of the buildings, those places were the they stood, were considered sacred ground.
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An interview with Helen Oyeyemi - Assises Internationales du Roman 2012 par Helen Oyeyemi, Patricia Armion, publié le 06/06/2012
Helen Oyeyemi took part in the sixth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She answered our questions on White is for Witching, a stunning Neo-Gothic novel.
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An interview with Nick Flynn - Assises Internationales du Roman 2012 par Nick Flynn, Julia Arnous, publié le 05/06/2012
Nick Flynn took part in the sixth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on Another Bullshit Night in Suck City and his approach to non-fiction.
An interview with Douglas Kennedy - Assises Internationales du Roman 2012 par Douglas Kennedy, Clifford Armion, publié le 04/06/2012
In June 2012, Douglas Kennedy took part in the sixth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his latest novel, The Moment.
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An interview with Jerry Schatzberg par Jerry Schatzberg, Clifford Armion, publié le 18/10/2011
Jerry Schatzberg started his career as a photographer and made his debut as a film director with Puzzle of a Downfall Child in 1970. Three years later he won the Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix for Scarecrow with Gene Hackman and Al Pacino. He was invited by the Festival Lumière to present a restored copy of his first film and was kind enough to answer a few questions on his work as a photographer and director.
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Interview de Richard Russo - Assises Internationales du Roman 2011 par Richard Russo , Clifford Armion , publié le 30/08/2011
Richard Russo won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize with his novel Empire Falls. In May 2011, he took part in the fifth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He was kind enough to grant us an interview at the Hotel Carlton in Lyon.
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Interview de Percival Everett - Assises Internationales du Roman 2011 par Percival Everett, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/08/2011
In May 2011, Percival Everett took part in the fifth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He was kind enough to grant us an interview at the Hotel Carlton in Lyon.
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An interview with Virginia Heffernan on Digital Culture par Virginia Heffernan, Clifford Armion, publié le 21/02/2011
Dans cet entretien, réalisé à l'occasion de la rencontre "Web culture : nouveaux modes de connaissance, nouvelles sociabilités", organisée par la Villa Gillet, la journaliste américaine Virginia Heffernan revient sur la relation qu'entretiennent les journalistes avec internet.
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An interview with Akeel Bilgrami on environmental ethics par Akeel Bilgrami, Clifford Armion, publié le 14/01/2011
Akeel Bilgrami, directeur du Heyman Center for the Humanities (Columbia), est une figure centrale de la philosophie contemporaine du langage et de l'esprit. Ses ouvrages, Belief and Meaning (Blackwell, 1992) et Self-Knowledge and Resentment, ont connu un grand succès aux États-Unis. Portés par une démarche philosophique originale et singulière, ils proposent un nouveau cadre de pensée. Après s'être intéressé aux questions de la connaissance de soi et l'intentionnalité, il bouscule les manières de penser la nature et les relations que l'homme entretient avec elle.
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Akeel Bilgrami - Politics, Nature, and Enchantment par Akeel Bilgrami, publié le 14/01/2011
Akeel Bilgrami, directeur du Heyman Center for the Humanities (Columbia), est une figure centrale de la philosophie contemporaine du langage et de l'esprit. Ses ouvrages, Belief and Meaning (Blackwell, 1992) et Self-Knowledge and Resentment, ont connu un grand succès aux États-Unis. Portés par une démarche philosophique originale et singulière, ils proposent un nouveau cadre de pensée. Après s'être intéressé aux questions de la connaissance de soi et l'intentionnalité, Akeel Bilgrami bouscule les manières de penser la nature et les relations que l'homme entretient avec elle.
An interview with Lord Peter Melchett par Lord Peter Melchett, Benjamin Young, publié le 09/11/2010
Lord Peter Melchett was a whip in James Callaghan's Labour Party and later became minister of state for Northern Ireland. He was appointed Executive Director of Greenpeace UK in 1989 and he has been Policy Director at the Soil Association since 2002. He was invited by Libération to tackle the issue of GMOs.
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An interview with Jonathon Porritt par Jonathon Porritt, Tom Cuthbertson, publié le 09/11/2010
Jonathon Porritt was a prominent member of the Ecology Party in the 70's and 80's. He later became Tony Blair's chief environmental adviser and was chair of the Sustainable Development Commission. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on sustainable economy with Yannick Jadot.
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An interview with John Bowen par John Bowen, Clifford Armion, publié le 19/10/2010
Dans cet entretien accordé à la Clé des langues, John Bowen évoque la spécificité française de la laïcité. Il compare le système éducatif français au modèle américain, observant ainsi les différences de deux cultures qui semblent pourtant se rejoindre dans leur crainte de l'Islam.
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An interview with Peter Ainsworth par Peter Ainsworth, Clifford Armion, publié le 28/09/2010
Peter Ainsworth is a former Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister of Environment. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on degrowth. He was kind enough to answers our questions on the energy policy of the United Kingdom.
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Marilynne Robinson - Assises Internationales du Roman 2010 par Marilynne Robinson , Kédem Ferré , publié le 14/06/2010
Marilynne Robinson was invited to the fourth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She was interviewed for La Clé des langues and read an extract from Gilead, a novel which was awarded the 2005 Pulitzer Prize.
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A.S. Byatt - Assises Internationales du Roman 2010 par A.S. Byatt , Emilie Walezac , publié le 10/06/2010
In May 2010, Antonia Susan Byatt took part in the fourth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She granted us an interview and was kind enough to read a passage form The Children's Book, her latest novel.
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An interview with Beverley Naidoo par Beverley Naidoo, Clifford Armion, publié le 01/06/2010
Un entretien accordé à La Clé des langues par Beverley Naidoo suite à son déplacement dans l'académie de Rouen.
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Interview de Randall Kennedy par Randall Kennedy, Clifford Armion, publié le 01/02/2010
Lors de son passage à la Villa Gillet, en janvier 2010, Randall Kennedy s'est exprimé sur la dimension historique de la dernière élection présidentielle américaine. Cet évènement culturel s'est tenu le soir même où Barack Obama prononçait face au congrès américain le traditionnel discours sur l'état de l'union. Le lendemain, Randall Kennedy, professeur de droit à Harvard et membre du barreau de la Cour Suprème des Etats-Unis, accordait une interview à Clifford Armion, responsable de la Clé des langues.
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Les Etats-Unis de Barack Obama : "The Race Question" par Randall Kennedy, publié le 01/02/2010
Lors de son passage à la Villa Gillet, en janvier 2010, Randall Kennedy s'est exprimé sur la dimension historique de la dernière élection présidentielle américaine. Cet évènement culturel s'est tenu le soir même où Barck Obama prononçait face au congrès américain le traditionnel discours sur l'état de l'union. Le lendemain, Randall Kennedy, professeur de droit à Harvard et membre du barreau de la Cour Suprème des Etats-Unis, accordait une interview à la Clé des langues.
Interview with Will Self par Will Self , Beth Harper , David Belaga , publié le 23/06/2009
On 29th May 2009, the London-based writer Will Self came to Lyon to take part in the Villa Gillet's "Assises Internationales du Roman". He was to give a talk on his perspectives on the works of the influential French writer, Louis Ferdinand Céline, but before he did so I managed to catch up with him to ask a few questions about his interests, influences and views on modern fiction.
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