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Il y a 35 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
A voice and a place of one’s own: women, knowledge and empowerment in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre par Christine Vandamme, publié le 17/12/2023
The article deals with women and knowledge in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847). The novel was quite revolutionary in its time for its strong assertion of female agency and self-empowerment and a keen perception of power dynamics inherent in the definition of gender and gender roles. However considering Jane Eyre through the sole prism of a novel of emancipation only dealing with women’s rights and aspirations would be reductive. Jane Eyre’s fiery narrative is a strong plea against all forms of intersectional oppression in Victorian times despite its own unconscious bias relative to ethnicity and the colonial question notably.
West Side Story then and now: the representation of Puerto Rican immigrants in the 1961 film and the 2021 remake par Lucas Leone Coutinho Miranda Frota, publié le 30/12/2020
[Fiche] Based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story holds an important place within American culture: it started as a Broadway success, became an Oscar-winning movie in the early 1960s, and then was readapted to the big screen sixty years later by Steven Spielberg. This article analyzes how key issues such as immigration and territory are particularly addressed in each film, as well as how the racial and gender portrayal of Puerto Ricans living in mid-20th century New York City has evolved from one version to another.
War, Catharsis, Peace: Ancient Greek Visions and 21st Century Violence par Christine Froula, publié le 12/03/2020
This presentation brings together an American play and an American film inspired by Greek plays: Aeschylus’s Suppliants and Aristophanes’s Lysistrata. Charles Mee’s gripping drama Big Love (2000) animates the plot of The Suppliants to explore the violence of the American socio-economic sex/gender system, moving from male violence to female violence to catharsis to peace. The title of Spike Lee’s brilliant, urgent, visionary utopian film Chi-Raq (2015) names Chicago’s horrific neighborhood gang wars and America’s imperial violence in one angry word and empowers its heroine, Lysistrata, to organize the neighborhood women to seize arms, treasure and the power of language in order to stop the gang warfare that, in real life as in the film, destroys children and young men in our city every day.
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Measuring the Global Influence of a City par Hiroo Ichikawa, publié le 31/05/2018
Le professeur Hiroo Ichikawa de la Mori Memorial Foundation nous explique le fonctionnement du Global Power City Index qui classe les métropoles mondiales selon 70 critères. La définition de la « puissance » ("power") adoptée dans ce classement est large et repose aussi bien sur l'attractivité économique que le poids touristique ou l'efficacité énergétique et environnementale. Les métropoles s'appuient sur les résultats du rapport pour infléchir leurs politiques, et l'auteur souligne le rôle performatif de ce type de classements.
Dearborn, Michigan: a city divided by religion, race and class par Marion Coste, publié le 12/09/2017
Ce documentaire de 16 minutes intitulé "Dearborn, Michigan" explore la vie de cinq américains originaires de Dearborn, ville qui abrite la plus grande mosquée aux États-Unis. Il est ainsi particulièrement adapté au programme de seconde, dont l'entrée culturelle "l'art de vivre ensemble" permet une réflexion sur les villes et les territoires.
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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's campaign ads par Marion Coste, publié le 18/03/2016
La comparaison de ces deux spots publicitaires pour les campagnes de Hillary Clinton et de Donald Trump peut s'inscrire dans une séquence sur les thèmes "Visions d'avenir: créations et adaptations" ou "Lieux et formes de pouvoir". Une analyse des stratégies de communication de ces deux candidats peut être l'occasion de faire un point sur les élections américaines.
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Krishnendu Ray: Taste, Toil and Ethnicity par Krishnendu Ray, publié le 30/11/2015
En partenariat avec les départements de Food Studies de la New School et de New York University, le Festival Mode d'Emploi 2015 propose une réflexion sur les migrations du goût. Diplômé de sciences politiques et de sociologie, Krishnendu Ray est professeur de Food Studies et à la tête du Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health à l’Université de New York. À travers ses différents ouvrages, il s’intéresse à la façon dont les immigrés combinent leur culture alimentaire à leur nouveau mode de vie.
Nickolas Butler: On Rural America par Nickolas Butler, publié le 15/09/2015
Until about a year ago, I had lived my whole life in urban areas. The smallest cities I had ever called home was likely during graduate school, when I commuted between Arden Hills, Minnesota (population: 9,704) and Iowa City, Iowa (population: 67,862). And in fairness to Arden Hills and Iowa City, both communities are much larger than their census estimates, due in part to their proximity to other larger growing cities, and their migrating student populations. The largest city I had ever called home was Chicago, where I once lived for a year during college, in a small room so close to the elevated train tracks I could have thrown a baseball and hit the passing EL.
Teaching Humanities par Gayatri Spivak, publié le 06/05/2015
Fifty years of institutional teaching has brought me this lesson: try to learn to learn how to teach this group, for me the two ends of the spectrum: Columbia University in the City of New York and six elementary schools on the border between West Bengal and Jharkhand. Everything I say will be marked by this. I take my motto from Kafka: “Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: Impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise, because of impatience we cannot return.”
Pluralism and Tolerance: Philosophers, Mystics and Religions par Souleymane Bachir Diagne, publié le 12/01/2015
The belief in certain supernatural realities is an essential dimension of faith. And, by definition, they are that because we do not comprehend them in the same way as we comprehend objects and beings which we are capable of experiencing with our senses or those mathematic idealities that we understand. Faith therefore allows us to perceive the realities of God, His attributes, His angels and other entities and qualities of the same kind. It equally convinces us that, as human beings, we have the capacity for reaching these truths of a different kind than those of our senses or of our reason in the conventional sense within ourselves, and therefore posses an aptitude for the supernatural or the absolutely comprehensible.
Scotland’s No par Alistair Cole, publié le 29/09/2014
Shortly before the Scottish referendum on independence, I visited the impressive city of Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city. Though the Scottish referendum eventually produced a No of over 55%, the once second largest city in the Empire was one of only four districts to vote Yes (just over 53%). I had correctly judged the atmosphere in this city, but elsewhere the story was rather different. In 28 of the remaining 32 districts, the No vote carried the day, including in SNP stronghold areas such as Angus and Perthshire...
Swim Little Fish Swim (Lola Bessis et Ruben Amar) par Clifford Armion, publié le 13/05/2014
Après Frances Ha (Noah Baumbach, 2013), voici une nouvelle comédie New Yorkaise rafraîchissante. Production franco-américaine de Ruben Amar et Lola Bessis, Swim Little Fish Swim nous plonge dans l’univers de la colocation assumée. Une jeune artiste française, Lilas, squatte le canapé d’un couple que tout semble séparer. Leeward, musicien qui n’a jamais enregistré un disque, croit en l’idéologie contestataire des années 60 et refuse de compromettre son ‘intégrité artistique’ pour gagner de l’argent. Mary, infirmière fatiguée, rêve d’une petite maison de banlieue avec des meubles IKEA et un arbre devant...
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Angela Davis posters par Clifford Armion, publié le 07/02/2014
On October 13, 1970, Angela Davis was arrested in New York City by FBI agents. She soon became a global icon suggesting freedom, resilience, and the struggle for equality. Her image was used to illustrate many causes that sometimes had little to do with racial discrimination or the American Civil Rights movement.
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Pictures Versus the World par Barbie Zelizer, publié le 24/01/2014
For as long as pictures have been among us, they have generated an uneasy mix of suspicion and awe. Perhaps nowhere is that as much the case as with journalism, where pictures are implicated in the larger truth-claims associated with the news. Aligned with a certain version of modernity, pictures are expected to establish and maintain journalism as the legitimate platform for giving shape to events of the real world. Consider how public response to acts of terror, war and natural disaster is affected by decisions not to depict them. Without pictures to show the news, journalism’s capacity to render the real and make it accessible is compromised.
Doug Saunders on migration par Doug Saunders, Clifford Armion, publié le 05/12/2013
Migration almost always follows the same pattern. It doesn’t go from one country to another country. It goes from a cluster of villages or a sub-rural region to specific urban neighbourhoods. Those urban neighbourhoods which are usually low-income, with low housing cost, serve as the bottom rung of the ladder for people arriving in a new country.
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Kate O'Riordan: Visions of Ireland - A writer's view par Kate O'Riordan, publié le 17/09/2013
A Londoner by adoption, Kate O’Riordan grew up in the small city of Bantry on the west coast of Ireland. With Le Garçon dans la lune, published in 2008 and Pierres de mémoire, in 2009, O’Riordan signed two new remarkable opuses in which she questions family relationships. A novelist and short-story writer, Kate O’Riordan also writes for the cinema and continues to confirm her legitimate place among Irish authors who count. She came to the Villa Gillet to take part in a discussion on 'Ireland by Irish writers'.
Keith Scribner: Representation and Psychology of Conflict par Keith Scribner, publié le 27/08/2013
In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech William Faulkner famously said that all real meaning in fiction comes from the human heart in conflict with itself. As a novelist I’m compelled by the internal conflicts inherent in the stories we tell ourselves in order to live and how those stories come to define us, how they allow us to justify our actions and possibly delude ourselves about who we are. Like any narrative, these stories help us shape otherwise disparate experiences into a comprehensible form. Over time we become so heavily invested in these narratives that when their veracity is challenged, the resulting conflict can be explosive.
Livery, liberty, and the original staging of Measure for Measure par Andrew Gurr, publié le 17/02/2013
We know that Shakespeare lived in Bishopsgate through his first years in London, in the parish of St. Helens. Located just to the north of the Tower, he is on record as paying his dues in this parish. Not far from St. Helen’s was St. Botolph’s in Aldgate, another local church where Shakespeare had neighbourly connections. Not far from there, slightly to the east and north of the Tower, in the parish of St. Aldgates Without (meaning outside the city walls) there had once been the greatest of the three English Franciscan nunneries, known as the Minories, the London nunnery of the Order usually called the Poor Clares. This site, though no longer a nunnery, was still there when Shakespeare came to live nearby in 1590 or so...
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Reclaiming space in New York City par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 11/02/2013
Ce dossier sur les questions d'urbanisme et d'aménagement à New York regroupe trois ressources accompagnées d'exercices de compréhension et de production orales et écrites, ainsi que d'analyse d'image.
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The Young Lords par Johanna Fernandez, Claire Richard, publié le 22/01/2013
The Young Lords were the children of the first large wave of Puerto Rican migration to the North East of the United States, in cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Hartford. The Young Lords was begun not in New York, interestingly enough, but in Chicago. And it was initiated by the efforts of the leader of the Young Lords, who initially in Chicago had been a gang. Cha Cha Jimenez, who was the leader of that gang, worked with a leader of the Black Panther Party, Fred Hampton, to transform this gang into a political organization.
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Time Square - Before and After par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 18/01/2013
A partir d'un montage de deux photographies de Time Square, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension générale et d'analyse d'image.
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The 9/11 memorial, an ambitious renunciation par Clifford Chanin, ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 15/01/2013
A partir d'une interview de Clifford Chanin, directeur de l'éducation et des programmes au 9/11 museum de New York, sur le mémorial du 11 septembre 2001, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension générale et détaillée, ainsi qu'un exercice de phonétique.
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Paul Auster, The Brooklyn Follies par Paul Auster, publié le 15/01/2013
A partir d'un extrait du roman "The Brooklyn Follies" de Paul Auster, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension générale et détaillée, ainsi qu'un exercice de grammaire.
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The black community in New York, past and present par Alondra Nelson, Clifford Armion, publié le 15/01/2013
Alondra Nelson tells us about the history of the black community in New York; where they came from, where they settled and why. She also explores issues related to the urban development in Manhattan and to the gentrification of Harlem.
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Reclaiming the streets, public space and quality of life in New York par Janette Sadik-Khan, Clifford Armion, publié le 11/01/2013
Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC initiative was a thirty year plan to say ‘what do we need to do to ensure that a 9.4 million New York City works better than an 8.4 million New York City works today?’ so that when you open the door in the year 2030 you like what you see. That long term planning view, understanding the growth that’s going to happen, meant that we needed to change some fundamental things. One of the first things we needed to do was to look at our transport systems differently and use the lever of growth to modernise those transport systems.
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Questions d'urbanisme à New York par Michel Lussault, Clifford Armion, publié le 29/11/2012
Michel Lussault, professeur de géographie et directeur de l'Istitut Français d'Education, répond aux questions de Clifford Armion, responsable de La Clé des langues, dans le cadre d'une rencontre organisée par la Villa Gillet dans les locaux newyorkais du Guardian, le 13 octobre 2012. Il évoque les changements opérés dans le paysage urbain de New York ces dernières années aux travers d'exemples comme la reconfiguration de Time Square, la transformation de la High Line en promenade ou bien encore le mémorial du 11 septembre.
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The 9/11 memorial - Interview and footage of the WTC site par Clifford Chanin, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/10/2012
The original World Trade Centre site was 16 acres which if my calculations are correct is about 10 hectares in French geographical terms. So it was a very large space in the centre of the downtown Wall Street business district in New York. Those two buildings were each 110 stories tall. Each floor was an acre square. So you had 10 million square feet of floor space in those buildings. It really was an attempt to build the largest buildings in the world and bring companies from around the world to do business in those buildings. Once the attacks came and the buildings collapsed, it emerged very quickly in the planning process that the actual footprints of the buildings, those places were the they stood, were considered sacred ground.
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Nick Flynn on the misfit and the outcast par Nick Flynn, publié le 27/08/2012
I wrote a memoir a few years ago (Another Bullshit Night in Suck City), which, in part, chronicled the five or six years my father spent living on the streets in Boston. I’d been a case-worker with the homeless for three years before he got himself evicted from his marginal living situation, ran out of options (he slept in his taxi, on friend’s couches) and eventually ended up at the shelter where I worked. I hadn’t grown up with him, I hadn’t met him, really, before he came into the shelter—that this is where I got to know him is in the Shakespearian realm of the unlikely coincidence that sets the play in motion (think Hamlet encountering his father’s ghost).
An interview with Nick Flynn - Assises Internationales du Roman 2012 par Nick Flynn, Julia Arnous, publié le 05/06/2012
Nick Flynn took part in the sixth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on Another Bullshit Night in Suck City and his approach to non-fiction.
Pour une rhétorique des genres : de la sensibilité à la généricité dans l’enseignement de l’anglais par Maylis Rospide , publié le 03/05/2010
Le genre nous semble être un outil précieux dans l'enseignement des langues car il permet d'aborder à la fois activités de lecture et d'écriture ainsi que les différentes compétences présentées par le Cadre Européen. Dans le mouvement de Genre Literacy, le genre n'est pas une étiquette collée à un texte afin de le classer, mais un arsenal rhétorique mis à la disposition de l'élève afin qu'il puisse mieux lire (à travers l'anticipation) et écrire (par l'imitation et la création d'un objectif ciblé) dans une langue seconde. Le genre devient alors guide de lecture (la connaissance des stratégies rhétoriques d'un texte aiguillonne sur une piste d'interprétation), mais aussi un cadre qui offre à l'élève la possibilité d'écrire en gardant à l'esprit qu'il prend la plume dans un contexte spécifique, pour un public donné afin de susciter un effet voulu.
Financialisation and the Thatcher Governments par John Grahl, publié le 12/02/2010
This paper suggests that the role of the Thatcher governments in changing the course of economic and political development may have been exaggerated, and indeed that the role of political factors in general and "neo-liberalism" in particular is often overstated. An implication is that some current problems, interpreted as primarily political, have an economic dimension which is not fully taken into account. An example is the process of "financialisation"; this is frequently analysed in political terms although there are deep economic forces behind it.
Néo-libéralisation et régénération urbaine : quelques réflexions sur l’évolution de Glasgow depuis 1979 par Fabien Jeannier, publié le 22/01/2010
Cette communication propose de faire un rapide tour d'horizon de quelques uns des aspects importants de la régénération de Glasgow depuis la fin des années 1970. Après avoir présenté les grandes lignes du concept de néolibéralisation tel qu'il est développé dans le champ de la recherche urbaine anglophone, nous verrons dans quelle mesure Glasgow en est une illustration de choix et quelles sont les perspectives d'évolution trente ans après le début de la mise en place du projet politique néolibéral.
Promoting patients in narrative discourse: A developmental perspective par Harriet Jisa , publié le 18/12/2009
Languages provide speakers with a number of structural options for manipulating the expression of events in narrative discourse. Underlying narrative competence is the capacity to view events as dynamic actions composed of a bundle of elements such as, agent, patient, affectedness, etc. (Hopper and Thompson, 1980). This study examines the grammatical constructions used by children (5-6-, 7-8- and 10-11-year-olds) and adult speakers of Amharic, English, French and Hungarian to manipulate the expression of agent and patient participants in the expression of events. The narrative task used to elicit the data is composed of a series of pictures which recount the adventures of two principal characters (a boy and a dog) in search of their runaway frog (Frog, Where are you? Mayer 1969). Over the course of the story the boy and the dog encounter a host of secondary characters (a mole, an owl, a swarm of bees and a deer) and change participant status, going from controlling agent to affected patient of a secondary character's action. Our interest lies in the range of structures available in the languages studied and their use by children and adults in narrative discourse. We detail how children and adults native speakers of the four languages use topicalising constructions to promote the patient participant in an event to the starting point (Langacker, 1998) of the recounting of that event.
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Paul Auster: A General Introduction par Jocelyn Dupont, publié le 13/02/2009
This document provides a short general overview of Paul Auster’s work. After a brief discussion of Auster’s texts positioning in the literary heritage, it tackles the place and role of the writer in an often alienating environment. It then deals with the representation of the city in Auster’s work, notably Brooklyn, before concluding on the gift for storytelling that so characterizes Paul Auster’s production.
Régénération urbaine et événements festifs à Glasgow par Fabien Jeannier , publié le 10/09/2008
Glasgow est parvenue, au cours des 25 dernières années à radicalement modifier son image en organisant des événements festifs d'ampleur nationale ou internationale. Le recours aux arts et à la culture lui a permis de s'adapter aux mutations de l'économie globale et de procéder à la requalification de nombreuses friches industrielles. Le prochain événément d'importance sera l'organisation des Jeux du Commonwealth en 2014. Cet article propose de mettre en lumière les problématiques de la métamorphose de la ville et d'analyser dans quelle mesure les Jeux du Commonwealth s'intègrent dans la stratégie globale de régénération de la ville.