Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Key story / 29 March 2024 - US Census changes how it categorises people by race and ethnicity

29 March 2024 - US Census changes how it categorises people by race and ethnicity

Publié par Marion Coste le 29/03/2024

US government changing how it asks about people’s race and ethnicity

Nicole Chavez (CNN, 28/03/2024)

The Office of Management and Budget on Thursday announced changes to how the federal government asks about people’s race and ethnicity, including in the US census.

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US changes how it categorizes people by race and ethnicity. It’s the first revision in 27 years

Mike Schneider (AP Press, 28/03/2024)

For the first time in 27 years, the U.S. government is changing how it categorizes people by race and ethnicity, an effort that federal officials believe will more accurately count residents who identify as Hispanic and of Middle Eastern and North African heritage.

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Census Bureau Statement on Updated Race and Ethnicity Standards

(United States Census Bureau, 28/03/2024)

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) today published the results of their Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 (SPD 15) review and issued updated standards for maintaining, collecting and presenting race and ethnicity data.  

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U.S. Officials Order Better Tracking of a Political Flashpoint: America’s Diversity

Michael Wines (The New York Times, 28/03/2024)

The Biden administration ordered changes to a range of federal surveys on Thursday to gather more detailed information about the nation’s ethnic and racial makeup.

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Flag of the US. Source: Wikipedia, Public Domain.