24 June 2024 - Dublin's litter problem
Dublin city centre 'in reverse' when it comes to litter - IBAL
George Lee (RTÉ News, 24/06/2024)
"Dublin's city centre seems to be in reverse" when it comes to cleanliness, according to a spokesperson for the Irish Business Against Litter group.
Littered Dublin streets ‘threaten’ tourism as new survey shows the capital is ‘deteriorating’
Darragh Nolan (Irish Independent, 24/06/2024)
The level of cleanliness is “deteriorating” in Dublin city centre, according to the latest survey from Irish Businesses Against Littering (Ibal).
Re-turn deposit return scheme helps reduce litter, according to IBAL and An Taisce
David Kent (Irish Examiner, 24/06/2024)
The introduction of the Government’s Deposit Return Scheme has led to an overall improvement in the level of litter on Irish streets.
Shane Coleman on Dublin's Litter Problem: 'Why Are We Still Using Plastic Bags?'
Jack Quann (Newstalk, 24/06/2024)
Ireland needs to do better when it comes to cleaning the streets and enforcing litter laws, according to Shane Coleman.
The Newstalk Breakfast presenter was responding to a new survey which found Dublin City Centre remains ‘littered’.
Flag of Ireland. Source: Wikipedia, Public Domain.