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05 September 2024 - Grenfell Tower Report published

Publié par Marion Coste le 05/09/2024

‘Decades of failure’ by UK government led to Grenfell fire, report finds

William Wallis (Financial Times, 04/09/2024)

“Decades of failure” by the UK government and parts of the construction industry led directly to the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire, according to the damning final report of a public inquiry.

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Grenfell Tower report: an expert explains why so many people have been blamed

Paresh Wankhade (The Conversation, 04/09/2024)

Seven years after the fire in Grenfell Tower took 72 lives, the final report into the causes of the tragedy has been published. The inquiry’s findings place damning blame on companies, the government, bodies responsible for building regulation and emergency services. It concludes the victims were “badly failed” by those responsible for their safety, and that all the deaths were avoidable.

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Police under pressure to accelerate criminal investigation into Grenfell fire

Robert Booth and Emine Sinmaz (The Guardian, 04/09/2024)

Police are under pressure to accelerate the criminal investigation into the Grenfell Tower fire after an excoriating report found that companies operated with “systematic dishonesty” and that all 72 deaths were avoidable.

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Grenfell survivor: 'Losing my brother destroyed me'

(BBC, 04/09/2024)

Omar Alhaj Ali lost his younger brother Mohammad in the Grenfell Tower fire. He was 23 and a civil engineering student.

The brothers came to the UK in 2014 after fleeing the war in Syria and moved to a flat on the 14th floor of the building two years later.

Omar spoke to the BBC's UK correspondent Adina Campbell about his memories of the night.

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