05 April 2024 - Stephen King's "Carrie" turns 50
Carrie at 50: the bloody history of Stephen King’s audacious debut novel
Jessie Thompson (The Independent, 02/04/2024)
Unfortunately, I came of age during the “sexy Halloween” era. The annual festival of all things frightening was becoming gaudier, more candy-strewn and American. But it was the Noughties, so it was also enthusiastically promoting the idea of young women being “sexy” versions of scary things.
Stephen King on ‘Carrie’ at 50
Mark Shanahan (The Boston Globe, 04/04/2024)
It’s hard to fathom now, but there was a time when the name Stephen King didn’t mean anything. He was unknown, just some shaggy-haired fellow from Maine with a macabre imagination and a manual typewriter churning out stories with fanciful titles like “I Was a Teenage Grave Robber.”
Stephen King’s First Book Is 50 Years Old, and Still Horrifyingly Relevant
Margaret Atwood (The New York Times, 25/03/2024)
Stephen King’s “Carrie” burst upon an astonished world in 1974. It made King’s career. It has sold millions, made millions, inspired four films and passed from generation to generation. It was, and continues to be, a phenomenon.
'Carrie' turns 50! Here are the best Stephen King novels — chosen by you
Beth Novey (NPR, 03/04/2024)
Stephen King's first novel, Carrie — the story of a bullied telekinetic teenager who gets viciously pranked at prom — turns 50 on April 5. In honor of Carrie's 50th birthday (we sure hope menopause is going better for her than puberty did!), we asked you to tell us about your favorite Stephen King story.
Carrie (1974) dust jacket, first edition. SOurce: Wikipedia, Jacket by Alex Gotfryd Photo by Alex Gotfryd - Heritage Auctions, Public Domain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrie_(novel)#/media/File:Carrie_(1974)_front_cover,_first_edition.jpg