03 June 2024 - New Zealand Census 2023 reveals growth in Pacific population
Nearly one million identify as being of Māori descent – Census 2023
Cushla Norman (1News, 29/05/2024)
New Zealand’s population is more ethnically diverse with Māori and Asian ethnic groups having the largest increases in the past five years, according to the first release of data from the 2023 Census.
Census 2023: Kirikowhai Mikaere explains why having Māori descent data in the first release matters
Megan Wilson (The New Zealand Herald, 28/05/2024)
Population counts and Māori descent data from the 2023 Census will be published on Wednesday in the first data release since it was collected last year.
What the Census tells us about the Māori population
Pokere Paewai (RNZ, 29/05/2024)
The 2023 Census marked a shift in how Māori census data is stored - it is the first time census data has been released on a non-government owned platform.
Government targets spending, infrastructure for growing Pacific population
Alakihihifo Vailala (Pacific Media Network, 29/05/2024)
Aotearoa's population is continuing to diversify, the latest Census reveals, with Pacific peoples showing an increase of 16 per cent.
Flag of New Zealand. Source: Wikipedia, Public Domain.