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3 ressources contiennent le mot-clé literary theory.

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From National Literatures to World Literature

par Suagata Bhaduri, publié le 02/03/2023

son.png conference.png If, rather than being rooted in sectarian identity politics, reading strategies for literary and cultural practice have to be other-regarding, and not be cocooned within one’s self-same monolingual and monocultural universes, it calls for translation and comparative literature – where one goes beyond literary and cultural texts in one’s own language and reaches out to the other – to become mainstays of such a practice. To what extent would an emphasis on going beyond one’s own identitarian literary universes require one to align with the project of World Literature, considering further the question of access to ‘worlding’ and canonization in a deeply differential globalized world? The role played by translation and comparative literature in leading pedagogic praxes beyond national monolingual literatures towards the ethical and other-regarding project of World Literature will be examined in this lecture with particular reference to the Bengali author Rabindranath Tagore’s views on the same.

‘Literary Theory’, Ideology-Critique, and Beyond

par Saugata Bhaduri, publié le 11/01/2023

son.png conference.png This first lecture focuses on recent developments in the area of Literary Theory, or to be more specific, on how ideology critique, which would have been one of the methodological mainstays of reading literature and culture under the aegis of Literary Theory, has been challenged over the last couple of decades, in the form of post-critical and post-theoretical developments, to lead to more ‘affective’ modes of dealing with literature and culture. The move, from the late 1990s, towards literary pedagogic practices being oriented more towards affect and enjoyment has been complicated, however, over the last few years with an unforeseen rise in cybernetic cultures including the social media, the global rise of sectarianism and new-fascisms, and the unforeseen pandemic situation, having ushered discursivity and narrativity, on an unprecedented scale, into regimes of fake news and post-truth. Is there a need, therefore, to revitalize ideology critique as one of the primary modes of studying literature and culture? Or, considering that ideology is itself, by definition, false consciousness, and ideological interpellation is always connected to projections of identities, and thus identity politics, is there a need for strengthening a literary critical practice that is otherwise than ideological – premised on a robust economy of Truth and an ethical outlook of being other-regarding, rather than being sectarian and identitarian?

Lire les Romantiques dans un monde "post-littéraire"

par Anne Robatel, publié le 14/03/2017

article.png Cet article propose d’examiner la façon dont notre rapport au romantisme britannique a été influencé par les débats académiques des dernières décennies. Il est le fruit d’une recherche portant sur la construction de l’autorité littéraire et culturelle à l’époque romantique. La communauté dans laquelle je m’inscris lorsque je parle de « notre rapport au romantisme » est celle des personnes qui étudient la littérature en ce début du 21e siècle : enseignants, étudiants, critiques et chercheurs.