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2 ressources contiennent le mot-clé sorceress.

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Images of Erudite Femininity. Capturing the learned/knowledgeable woman in the 19th-century visual arts (part 1: Pre-Raphaelite artists' male perspective)

par Virginie Thomas, publié le 17/12/2023

article.png Very few representations of female knowledge can be found in Pre-Raphaelite paintings without them being imbued with a threatening dimension. Female knowledge is necessarily associated with the representation of a domesticated woman, echoing the recommendations of the time defined, for example, by John Ruskin in Sesame and Lilies. On the contrary, the aim of the pictures of learned women was to send a warning against the deadly potential of woman's unwonted curiosity through the use of mythological figures, such as Pandora, Psyche or Cassandra, ultimately leading to the lurking image of the castrating prophetess or sorceress.

Images of Erudite Femininity: Capturing the learned/ knowledgeable woman in 19th-century visual arts (part 2: Pre-Raphaelite artists' female perspective)

par Agathe Viffray, publié le 14/12/2023

type-image.png article.png Pre-Raphaelite women artists assimilated the type of the erudite woman that had been forged by their male counterparts: they complied with the canon, yet slightly shifted it by softening the usual rejection of the learned woman and emphasising the idea of freedom linked to the possession of knowledge. From the (twin) figures of the governess and the Angel in the House (two forms of possession of knowledge deemed acceptable for women by Victorian society) to the image of the sorceress (the embodiment of Evil), by way of the representation or lack of representation of the professional scholar woman, we shall endeavour to embrace the different types of knowledgeable women created by women artists in 19th-century British art.