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5 ressources contiennent le mot-clé science.

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The transcendentalist approach to wilderness in US culture

par Jean-Daniel Collomb, publié le 17/04/2020

son.png texte.png conference.png This presentation tackles the significance and legacy of the Transcendentalist understanding of wilderness in US culture. It begins with a brief overview of the largely hostile attitudes toward wilderness that pre-dated Transcendentalism. Then it introduces and analyses the ways in which two prominent Transcendentalist thinkers – Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau – conceived of wilderness. The third part of the presentation explores the influence of Transcendentalist thought on successive generations of US environmentalist all the way to the present time. In conclusion, the views of the contemporary critics of the idea of wilderness in environmentalist circles are briefly discussed.

Lord Peter Melchett on GMOs

par Lord Peter Melchett, publié le 12/11/2010

article.png Lord Peter Melchett was a whip in James Callaghan's Labour Party and later became minister of state for Northern Ireland. He was appointed Executive Director of Greenpeace UK in 1989 and he has been Policy Director at the Soil Association since 2002. He was invited by Libération to tackle the issue of GMOs.

An interview with Lord Peter Melchett

par Lord Peter Melchett, Benjamin Young, publié le 09/11/2010

entretien.png type-video.png texte.png Lord Peter Melchett was a whip in James Callaghan's Labour Party and later became minister of state for Northern Ireland. He was appointed Executive Director of Greenpeace UK in 1989 and he has been Policy Director at the Soil Association since 2002. He was invited by Libération to tackle the issue of GMOs.

Au Pays des Merveilles : Science et contes de fées

par Laurence Talairach-Vielmas, publié le 08/07/2009

article.png Un article sur les ouvrages de vulgarisation scientifique victoriens pour enfants.

Folie et fantastique dans "Frankenstein"

par Jean-Jacques Lecercle, publié le 24/04/2007

vide.png Article originalement publié sous le titre : "'A melancholy that resembled madness" : Folie et fantastique dans Frankenstein", dans Autour de Frankenstein - Lectures critiques, pp. 109-122 aux Cahiers FORELL, Université de Poitiers. Nous remercions l'auteur et les Cahiers FORELL qui nous ont autorisés à reproduire cet article sur ce site.