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3 ressources contiennent le mot-clé nature sauvage.

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The American Wilderness: an Ambivalent Image of Self-regeneration and Psychological Disintegration. From Dead Man (1995) to Into the Wild (2007).

par Martin Berny, publié le 03/06/2021

article.png This presentation deals with the wilderness motif in contemporary American literature and American cinema. Going back to the origins of this ambivalent image, it aims at explaining the underlying ideology that actively contributes to the endless process of mythogenesis of the American nation. On the individual level, it is through a journey of self-reinvention or reconstruction of the self that the wilderness appears as either a path to a metaphorical rebirth or as a dangerous place where one has to face the perils of psychological disintegration. Focusing on historical notions and topics such as Turner’s Frontier thesis, the Transcendentalist movement, or the representation of Native Americans in popular culture, this article deals with the limits of the American dream of self-transcendence. It explores works such as Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man (1995) and both Jon Krakauer’s non-fiction bestseller Into the Wild (1996) and its film adaptation directed by Sean Penn (2007).

La nature sauvage dans la guerre du Vietnam

par Pierre Journoud, publié le 20/05/2021

article.png conference.png Cet article présente trois conceptions de la nature vietnamienne (nature-refuge, nature-cible et nature-martyre) durant la guerre du Vietnam (1955-1975).

La disparition des bisons des Grandes Plaines nord-américaines

par Frédéric Moreau, publié le 14/05/2020

article.png Ce texte est la traduction du chapitre "The Vanishing New World", tiré de l'ouvrage Beyond Geography: The Western Spirit against the Wilderness de Frederick Turner. Dans cet extrait, l'auteur évoque le rapport des colons au bison, animal emblématique réduit à un trophée de chasse ou exploité de manière industrielle, au cours du 19ème siècle dans les Grandes Plaines nord-américaines.