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Il y a 10 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Not Disabled but Differently Abled: A Conversation with Vance Bergeron par Vance Bergeron, Louis Gouzerh, publié le 14/06/2021
Vance Bergeron, physicien à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, a répondu aux questions de Louis Gouzerh, ancien élève de l'Ecole et professeur d'anglais. Sport, citoyenneté, inclusion et diversité, telles sont les thématiques abordées dans l'entretien : Vance Bergeron y évoque sa recherche, l'impact qu'a eu son accident sur son travail, ainsi que l'importance du sport pour les personnes en situation de handicap.
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Discussing Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi : A conversation led by Anne-Valérie Dulac par Dulac Anne-Valérie, publié le 04/02/2019
Cette table ronde sur The Duchess of Malfi, au programme de l’agrégation d’anglais en 2019 et 2020, a clôturé le colloque "John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi Reconsidered" consacré à la pièce tragique et macabre de John Webster. Lors de ce colloque, fruit d’une collaboration inter-sites (ENS de Lyon et UCA), des spécialistes renommés du théâtre jacobéen ont présenté les dernières avancées de la recherche sur cette pièce qui fut un temps délaissée par la critique.
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Big Brother - A conversation with Lionel Shriver par Lionel Shriver, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/06/2015
The author of numerous novels, she won the Orange Prize for We Need to Talk About Kevin, adapted for the screen in 2011 by Lynne Ramsay. Her sarcastic flair is evident in Big Brother: Pandora, a highly successful businesswoman who hasn’t seen her brother—a seductive, boastful, jazz prodigy—in five years finds him obese, neglected, and compulsive. Lionel Shriver provides a keen analysis of our neurotic relationship with food and the alarming increase in obesity in our societies.
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American Indians - A conversation with David Treuer par David Treuer, Clifford Armion, publié le 08/09/2014
David Treuer took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his involvement in the protection of Indian culture.
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Living, Thinking, Looking - A conversation with Siri Hustvedt par Siri Hustvedt, Clifford Armion, publié le 26/08/2014
Siri Hustvedt took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She answered our questions on her collection of essays, Living, Thinking, Looking.
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The Yellow Birds - A conversation with Kevin Powers par Kevin Powers, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/06/2014
Kevin Powers took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his first novel, The Yellow Birds.
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The Last Hundred Days - A conversation with Patrick MacGuinness par Patrick MacGuinness, Clifford Armion, publié le 24/06/2014
Patrick MacGuinness took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his first novel, The Last Hundred Days.
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Ragnarok - A conversation with A.S. Byatt par A.S. Byatt, Clifford Armion, publié le 03/06/2013
A.S. Byatt took part in the seventh edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She answered our questions on her latest novel, Ragnarok.
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Screening Identities - Danny Glover in conversation with Manthia Diawara par Manthia Diawara, Danny Glover, Avital Ronell, publié le 20/01/2012
Manthia Diawara et Danny Glover exploreront, d'un point de vue thématique et existentiel, comment les relations se forment et s'exportent au cinéma. Comment les relations sont-elles représentées et selon quels codes d'acquiescement ou de révolte, de désir ou de dégoût, de nécessité ou de chance les rencontres sont-elles thématisées dans les films africains ou africains américains ? Quels sont les dessous de l'histoire et les affinités secrètes qui ont encouragé ou freiné l'émergence de l'art cinématographique noir africain et américain ? Messrs Diawara and Glover will be exploring, on a thematic and existential register, the way relations are formed and uprooted in cinema. How are relations depicted, and according to what codes of presumed compliance or revolt, desire or disgust, necessity or chance, in the encounters that are thematized in African and African-American film? What are some of the back-stories and unrecorded affinities that have enabled or disturbed the emergence of the Black cinematic art?
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From buds to flowers: the blossoming of constructions in child language par Aliyah Morgenstern, publié le 18/12/2009
In the course of their development, children make their way along successive transitory systems with their own internal coherence. We will present the paths they follow from gestures and first words to complex constructions embedded in their dialogic context, developing both linguistic, conversational and social skills necessary to full mastery of language. Our data shows that the use of grammatical forms is irregular in terms of canonical syntax but not random, and corresponds to particular semantic/pragmatic features.
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