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Recherche multi-critères

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Il y a 2 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Sonic Affinities par Jay Gottlieb, publié le 20/01/2012
Literally playing with the notion of "affinities" with its vast resonances, Jay Gottlieb has constructed a program not only of works by composers with whom he feels a particular bond, but also incorporating the diverse relationships of the chosen composers with their sonic material. He created for instance a vast sound sculpture that incorporates moments from all of Malher's ten symphonies. He will also play pieces by Donatoni, who shows how affinities can be volatile, Berio, who brilliantly manipulates free time versus measured time, Crumb, the modern American transcendentalist, who demonstrates the unity in diversity, Ohana, whose free counterpoints unfold organically and amalgamate as they will, and Mantovani, who, like Mahler, fuses the most exigent concert music with moments of carefree ebullience.
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Le théâtre US ultracontemporain par Brigitte Gauthier, publié le 04/07/2011
Le théâtre américain de la fin du 20e siècle est caractérisé par ses actions « hors bunker ». Au-delà des avant-gardes, il expérimente des formes de performances dans les rues, les parcs et les night clubs. Le théâtre devient à New York, the Scene, un monde de revendication ethniques et de libération sexuelle. La nouvelle frontière, c'est le hors les murs. Les enjeux politiques se radicalisent et un nouveau théâtre d'agit-propre s'empare du Net.
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