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Il y a 5 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Images of Erudite Femininity. Capturing the learned/knowledgeable woman in the 19th-century visual arts (part 1: Pre-Raphaelite artists' male perspective) par Virginie Thomas, publié le 17/12/2023
Very few representations of female knowledge can be found in Pre-Raphaelite paintings without them being imbued with a threatening dimension. Female knowledge is necessarily associated with the representation of a domesticated woman, echoing the recommendations of the time defined, for example, by John Ruskin in Sesame and Lilies. On the contrary, the aim of the pictures of learned women was to send a warning against the deadly potential of woman's unwonted curiosity through the use of mythological figures, such as Pandora, Psyche or Cassandra, ultimately leading to the lurking image of the castrating prophetess or sorceress.
Gandhi’s and Ambedkar’s views on caste: the representation of historical figures in Arundhati Roy’s The Doctor and the Saint par Fleur-Ann Dany Brouard, publié le 31/12/2020
In The Doctor and the Saint, Arundhati Roy compares and contrasts the lives and beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi and B. R. Ambedkar, the father of the Indian Constitution. Analyzing the two men's trajectories, Roy seeks to explain their conflict on the subject of Untouchability during the Second Round Table Conference (1931). In doing so, she dismantles the myth of Gandhi's sainthood and radical progressivism while defending and justifying Ambedkar's attack on Hinduism. Through its references to Narendra Modi's career, The Doctor and the Saint also offers insight into India's contemporary politics.
Questions d'actualité : Décès de Fidel Castro, retour sur les relations entre les Etats-Unis et Cuba par Marion Coste, publié le 28/11/2016
L'annonce du décès de Fidel Castro est l'occasion de revenir sur l'histoire houleuse des relations entre les États-Unis et Cuba. Cette page regroupe plusieurs articles de journaux revenant sur le parcours de Castro, mais aussi des ressources sur le dégel des relations entre les deux pays amorcé par Barack Obama. Une courte vidéo publiée par le site d'information Vox permet de résumer à grands traits l'histoire entre les deux pays. Enfin, vous trouverez également sur cette page des articles universitaires sur l'avenir des relations américano-cubaines après la mort de Castro.
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Amending Mariana in Measure for Measure par Michael Dobson, publié le 11/04/2013
With all of this provocative and intriguing play to choose from, complete with a beguiling cast list that includes figures as complex and compelling as Angelo, Isabella, and the Duke, I have chosen to discuss the person who may seem in her own right the least interesting of the six newly-married, betrothed-and-expecting, or potentially betrothed characters who dominate Measure for Measure’s final tableau: Mariana.
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Nick Flynn on the misfit and the outcast par Nick Flynn, publié le 27/08/2012
I wrote a memoir a few years ago (Another Bullshit Night in Suck City), which, in part, chronicled the five or six years my father spent living on the streets in Boston. I’d been a case-worker with the homeless for three years before he got himself evicted from his marginal living situation, ran out of options (he slept in his taxi, on friend’s couches) and eventually ended up at the shelter where I worked. I hadn’t grown up with him, I hadn’t met him, really, before he came into the shelter—that this is where I got to know him is in the Shakespearian realm of the unlikely coincidence that sets the play in motion (think Hamlet encountering his father’s ghost).