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04 October 2018 - Trump Mocks Dr Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony

Publié par Marion Coste le 04/10/2018

Trump’s lying, mocking, despicable verbal mugging of Christine Blasey Ford

E.J. Dionne Jr. (The Washington Post, 03/10/2018)

When a leader can hold power only by dividing his country, stoking its anxieties and hostilities, ridiculing his opponents, and disrespecting every norm of decency, the result is a broken democracy and a demoralized nation.

The fight over Brett M. Kavanaugh’s confirmation to a seat on the Supreme Court has caused predictable handwringing about partisan division, tribalism and incivility. We hear often that both parties are behaving like toddlers who need to be brought to heel by responsible “adults” who know better.

But the narrative of equivalence is worse than inaccurate. It is destructive. It points us to the wrong diagnosis and thus the wrong cure. At this moment in our history, there is only one party being led by President Trump and only one that rushes to his defense over and over.

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Trump's Attack Against Christine Blasey Ford Mischaracterizes How Memory Works, Experts Say

Samantha Cooney  (TIME Magazine, 03/10/2018)

President Donald Trump on Tuesday attacked Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers, for not remembering certain details about the alleged incident.

“How did you get home? ‘I don’t remember,'” Trump said, imitating Ford. “How did you get there? ‘I don’t remember.'”

Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of groping her and pinning her down on a bed during a gathering in Maryland in the 1980s, a charge Kavanaugh has denied. During her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, Blasey Ford testified that she couldn’t remember some details of the alleged assault, including where the gathering was held and how she got home.

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'Just plain wrong’: three Republicans condemn Trump’s mockery of Ford

Guardian News (Youtube, 03/10/2018)

Republican senators Jeff Flake, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins have condemned Donald Trump as "wildly inappropriate" after he parodied Christine Blasey Ford's testimony at a political rally in Mississippi on Tuesday night. The president ridiculed Ford's testimony before the Senate judiciary committee last week, with Flake saying that talking about something this sensitive at a political rally was 'kind of appalling'.

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'Wrong, vile, appalling': Trump mocking Ford spurs outrage

The Washington Post (Youtube, 03/10/2018)

President Trump's comments mocking Christine Blasey Ford's testimony about her allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh caused backlash from Republicans and Democrats alike.

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