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24 April 2023 - Emergency alert test in the UK

Publié par Marion Coste le 24/04/2023

Emergency alert test: Alarm fails to sound on some phones across UK

(The Telegraph, 23/04/2023)

The test of the new national emergency alert system failed to sound on some phones this afternoon and other alerts arrived late.

Many people across the country reported that they had not received an alert at 3pm, when a loud blast lasting for 10 seconds was expected to sound.

Tom Prentki in Bournemouth said: "Nothing happened here at Bournemouth. Mine didn't even go off!"

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Watch UK emergency alert go off (again, or if you missed it)

(BBC, 23/04/2023)

A look at the UK-wide emergency alert in case you missed it.

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Why did I get an emergency alert on my phone and what is it for?

Eleanor Noyce andSophie Wingate (The Independent, 23/04/2023)

Millions of phones across the UK sounded with a siren on Sunday as part of a test for a new national emergency alert system.

The loud alarm was planned to ring at 3pm on all devices that were using 4G and 5G networks in the UK.

The alert rang for 10 seconds and displayed a message notifying phone users that no action was needed in response to the test.

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Welsh language error in government emergency alert

(BBC, 23/04/2023)

A UK-wide emergency alert test sent to mobile phones on Sunday included a Welsh language error.

For the words "others safe", the message read "eraill yn Vogel" when it should have been "eraill yn ddiogel".

"Vogel" has no meaning in Welsh, as there is no letter V in the Welsh alphabet. It means bird in German and a ski resort in Slovenia is named Vogel.

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Smartphone. Image by Jan Vašek from