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3 ressources contiennent le mot-clé technology.

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The Intensive Care Unit: A Place of Technology and Myth

par Cécile Guilbert, publié le 22/01/2013

article.png If we follow Giorgio Agamben, who defined “religion as that which subtracts things, places, animals and persons from common use to transfer them into a separate sphere,” the intensive care unit seems to be a sacred place within the hospital because it is special, separate, and governed by specific protocols, whether we’re talking about reduced visiting hours or its bunker-like nature (like the operating room and the morgue). And because it’s the place of suspension between life and death, a passageway between the conscious and the unconscious, or between presence and absence, intensive care is the place for all sorts of metaphysical questions, in the form of oxymora. What’s at stake here, for the patient—a dying life? A living death? What then is life? and death?

The End of Forgetting - Jeffrey Rosen

par Jeffrey Rosen, publié le 22/09/2011

article.png Jeffrey Rosen a écrit ce texte dans le cadre de la rencontre intitulée "The end of privacy: the state and surveillance", organisée par le festival "Walls and Bridges" de la Villa Gillet. Cette rencontre propose de réfléchir au degré de surveillance auquel les États occidentaux astreignent leurs citoyens a considérablement augmenté au cours des dernières années, que ce soit dans les espaces publics ou sur internet.

The State and Surveillance: Fear and Control

par Didier Bigo, Mireille Delmas-Marty, publié le 20/09/2011

article.png The prevention discourse, which has existed for so long has gone a step further with the belief of scientific capability to predict human behaviour by sophisticated software. It is not enough to assess possible futures, to do simulation and alternative scenarios and to guess what virtual future has the most chance to become actualised, now the professionals of security technologies want to reduce all these possible futures to only one future; often the future of the worst case scenario. And it is this selected future that they read as a future perfect, as a future already fixed, a future they already know...